• Lynette D said:

    Personally, I would think as long as we show the logo etc and only keep it for this blog and not for personal use I can't see why we can't put pics up - does anyone else think different.

    Lynette - It doesn't say that though, does it? There is no ambiguity at all in their statement.

    Until such times as we hear to the contrary I think it wise to refrain from posting captures.

  • Lynette D said:

    I have written an email asking if it would be permissable to post pics snapped at LOtL to our RSPB site here.

    Am awaiting a reply and will let you know what is the outcome!   Let us hope they will give permission.

    Thanks a million Lynette.  Here's hoping everything works out okay.  I think it will.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • One of my friends made enquiries yesterday so someone should have a reply from them soon.

  • Thanks Chloe, and many thanks to your friend.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • OK Chloe B but as you will see, I have written to them asking for permission to put captures on our site here. Lets hope permission is granted!!

  • Both my cams are working, but No2 still has the fuzzy loch pic. Re the intellectual properties issue, we would need to have the RSPB to come to an agreement with SWT about the licence, allowing us to capture video shots. In my opinion RSPB would then need to protect images of LotL posted here, to prevent their use elsewhere by copying on by third parties. Again in my opinion it is a complex issue to resolve, to allow us to continue our past practices.

    On a positive note, we could conduct a head count of the number of SWT members on here, to assist our case? But that leaves the problem of protecting SWT's rights.


    I don't think the change was brought about by the actions of anyone on here, last year. Also I don't think it would be in our interests to speculate as to the cause either. I agree that to ignore the warning, would only serve to damage our case, for the granting of some sort of exception, to the ban.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Good morning Lynette thanks for contacting LOtL I so hope your request is granted and we will have captures and videos on the blog.


  • As a watcher from DownUnder, I shall be very disappointed if I can no longer see pics and YouTube videos on the blog. The time difference means I miss so much. Reading about the events may have satisfied me the first year; now I want to see for myself, even if it is delayed action..

  • More power to our elbows! If you look at the cam page of LotL there is a Website Survey running and if one completes the survey, as I have just done, on the last page there is the option of adding further comments. I said I was a LG Blogger and would like it if SWT could give us limited exception to the new rule, to do some screen captures of the nestcam, purely for the purpose of enhancing our discussion of the events at LotL. Thats all! No doubt some of those on here would like to do the same and pass on your requests for consideration.

    The bar on the left is clickable.


    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • I would like to see license given to post captures/downloaded video footage on all public forums, messageboards and groups, not just restricted to here. There are many people all over the world who follow these birds with great interest in various places, and have done so for a very long time. Surely all deserve equal rights.