• After contacting SWT and getting some sort of reply, I received this email yesterday - not sure whether it refers to my original enquiry or the latest one I made.

    "Thank you for taking the time to contact the Scottish Wildlife Trust.  We would like to acknowledge receipt of your recent email.  Unfortunately due to the large number of enquiries we are currently receiving, we are no longer able to respond personally to individual emails regarding the blog at Loch of the Lowes, as we need to focus our limited resources on the most urgent conservation tasks.  Please be assured, however, that any views expressed in your email will be taken on board.  If you contributed to the fundraising efforts of the blogging community last season, we would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your support.  It is our loyal supporters who have made so much of our work possible and these efforts are always hugely appreciated.


    In the absence of a personal response, we also hope that the following information might be useful in answering your enquiry. 


    If your enquiry is in relation to downloading footage, images or stills from our webcams, website or blog, we have recently taken a decision to tighten up on members of the public copying content from our blogs and website, which means that we are not granting permission to reproduce material elsewhere online etc.


    We are also aware that some bloggers are concerned about missing highlights from the osprey season but it is our hope that we can, in time, display this footage as archived clips from our blog.  


    Finally, maintenance work is currently being carried out on our HD nest cam.  We are working as fast as we can to fix this before the osprey potentially returns to the nest.  Please rest assured that as soon as an osprey returns to the nest at Loch of the Lowes, we will do our utmost to ensure live footage is streamed as soon as possible from the nest.  


    We hope you enjoy watching our web cams and following the blog this season,


    Kind regards   



    Scottish Wildlife Trust "

  • Hi Lynette this is basically what they have said on their blog updated today.


    Just to let all know cam 2 is showing the nest at the moment.


  • margobird  Thank you for the news about the cam. Interesting change of policy.

  • Think I will reserve judgement on the latest, cam on the nest - as I feel it may disappear again in the morning

  • To give the benefit of the doubt, they could well have been working on it earlier. Hence the switch, then cams being down for a while.

  • cam at LOtL is now showing the nest closeup so they seem to be back on.

  • Reading their blog for today, it seems the cam had to be repaired and they hope to stream pics of the nest in anticipation of either Lady arriving or a new female etc.

    We will have to wait and see.

  • Hazel b said:

    A very reliable observer thinks that they saw an osprey on the cam number 2 this morning at 8.16am. Anyone else see this?

    On the fuzzycam I saw a goose yesterday, well since it was flying like a goose, that is what I thought it was. That was long before I had my daily tipple.


    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Hi Margo. Hi Lofty, nice to see you both. :-)

    I am very disappointed that I cannot capture any wonderful images of our dear family this, year especially the early morning ones when Lady used to look out across the Loch on her perch/branch!! I think everyone has been affected by SWT attitude to us posting images.

    SWT are asking people to donate towards satellite tracking, I thought they had bought two last year from donations people kindly sent them, but didn't because Lady was seriously ill.

    I for one am not sending them any donations!

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Hi Sandra when this news first broke I immediately thought of you and knew you would be so disappointed.  Yes the money they collected was to satellite track the chicks but due to Lady's illness they couldn't do this.  Can't see why they are still asking for donations for this.  I was one who obtained a copy of the book produced by one of the bloggers which also raised funds for them so I think they have treated people in a tardy fashion.  I have ordered the Helen Armitage book ffrom them because it raises funds again but now I am thinking I should have got it from Amazon as it was cheaper anyway.  Hope you will join us on the LG blog anyway and hopefully the RSPB will not follow the same route.
