• Roxanne King was employed in Marketing and Business development for SWT and spent some time this year  at LOTL but was not what you would call part of the team and eventually  returned to Head Office. She may well have had long-term sickness but people are already making assumptions about why.  It may be true it maybe not.I'm afraid there have been a lot of assumptions made about SWT and LOTL this year without any hard evidence. I'm more concerned that SWT continue their long-term policy for the conservation and protection of Scotlands wildlife rather than politics of the LOTL blog, webcam, and capturing of images.

  • Thanks for that Sandra.  She is a wise old osprey and I hope she is safely on her way because we are in for more terrible rainy weather up here for the next few days.  Today was the ideal day for ospreys to start their migration and head as far south as possible.

  • Tim I have criticed Lowes and hold my hands up but Keith made me think and I look forward to another yr and so sad the nest failed and really understand how the staff must have felt when no hatchings. Lady was so ill last yr and on a positive note from the eggs it does show Lady was not infertile but I do have to say Lowes put that in every-ones mind by saying is our female fertile as soon as she came back. Lady looks wonderful and let us all enjoy her when she comes back. Another record.

    I do understand and the blog has to be more restricted. Really hope Lowes get it right next yr. When LADY comes back another record will be broken. She is a Jewel in the crown at Lowes and a very special Osprey.

    A toast from me to the lovely Lady, hip hip hooray and see you in March.

  • As far as I am aware there is only one other site that does not allow screen captures or videoing of the live streaming and that is Hailuoto in Finland and even they will allow screenshots if you put on a copywright message. Why are SWT out on a limb with this issue?.

  • Just been reading through some of your comments re this years poor response with SWT. I must say that I have been very disappointed in the fact that we were not allowed to post pics on this RSPB thread with of course acknowledgment to SWT. I have joined the SWT for a year but after this years disappointment over LOtL I will not be renewing it.  I have written to SWT asking for a change of heart so to speak when they review their osprey season. I do hope that common sense will prevail and that SWT will give us permission to post pics on this thread for all of us to enjoy.

    It is an ongoing debate but hopefully a satisfactory conclusion will be found by the powers that be!!!!

  • Alan I am trying to understand and agree, you made a comment Lowes will get left behind if they are not careful. Dyfi have captured the hearts by their enthusiasm and the satelite tag appeal was done so fast and they have more than they needed. I hope they keep it up. I will still say I am coming round to satelite tagging but still not convinced.

    Rutland has a reason for it and what a good project that is.

    Going back to Lowes, there is obviously something wrong and I will give you an example of people that do not know.  There was a Tesco opening where I live and a Orange band was hired to open it. Seriously that is true but does go to show people know nothing in some of these head offices. Anyway they were practising in the car park and a staff member was horrified and said stop it right now, it will cause trouble It was in all the local papers.  Someone in the Head Office thought hire a local band. Oh people waiting for the opening furious. I have no strong feelings and does go to show how people get it wrong.

  • If Lady and Laird have gone, then God speed and safe journeys to the pair of them. Let us hope we see them next year.

  • Echo Lynette, if Lady and Laird have gone. God speed and Lady is a truly remarkable Osprey and see you in March.

  • Lady Marge Isla a lovely name for you.

  • @Tiger, waiting your comments/confirmation.LOL!!!!!