• I ordered Helen Armitage's book Lady of the Loch: the incredible story of Britain's oldest osprey from Amazon way before Christmas (a pre-order, pb £7.19).  Despatch date was given as 23 April.  I sort of thought that this was the date of publication, but it might be that it was date of pb pub, and that it is already out in hb.  (edit - oh, I see it is now priced at £5.11!!  I wonder what I will be charged!!)

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hello everyone, I am back :-)

    Sad that we cannot take images of LOTL Ospreys, I really enjoyed putting them on this thread for everyone last year!

    Thankyou so much Cirrus and Lynette for your kind words about the imiges I took. :-)


    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Sandy - thank you. As you will see I wrote and had a reply and only hope that email images will deliver so one can post them.l

    We await in anticipationl.  Notice the distance shot is quite blurred.

  • The following email just received from SWT.

    Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

    "Thank you for taking the time to contact the Scottish Wildlife Trust.  We would like to acknowledge receipt of your recent email.  Unfortunately due to the large number of enquiries we are currently receiving, we are no longer able to respond personally to individual emails regarding the blog at Loch of the Lowes, as we need to focus our limited resources on the most urgent conservation tasks.  Please be assured, however, that any views expressed in your email will be taken on board.  If you contributed to the fundraising efforts of the blogging community last season, we would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your support.  It is our loyal supporters who have made so much of our work possible and these efforts are always hugely appreciated.


    In the absence of a personal response, we also hope that the following information might be useful in answering your enquiry. 


    If your enquiry is in relation to downloading footage, images or stills from our webcams, website or blog, we have recently taken a decision to tighten up on members of the public copying content from our blogs and website, which means that we are not granting permission to reproduce material elsewhere online etc.


    We are also aware that some bloggers are concerned about missing highlights from the osprey season but it is our hope that we can, in time, display this footage as archived clips from our blog.  


    Finally, maintenance work is currently being carried out on our HD nest cam.  We are working as fast as we can to fix this before the osprey potentially returns to the nest.  Please rest assured that as soon as an osprey returns to the nest at Loch of the Lowes, we will do our utmost to ensure live footage is streamed as soon as possible from the nest.  


    We hope you enjoy watching our web cams and following the blog this season,


    Kind regards   



    Scottish Wildlife Trust

    Cramond House

    3 Kirk Cramond


    EH4 6HZ"

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Lynette D said:

    I know its frustrating - part of me wants to go ahead anyway because how will they know,

    Lynette, They would know because

    a) You - and I think some others who contacted them - have told them of the existence of the LG Forum and the LOTL Thread - which are open to view by anyone, whether registered or not. 

    b) In their reply to you, they said " Thank you the information regarding the forum containing information on the Loch of The Lowes Ospreys, we are grateful for all the support and will enjoy reading the comments over the next season". 

    As they don't now allow comments on their own blog, I feel this can only mean that they are intending to visit this thread and read the comments. So we have to take it now, that they may be looking in/checking up on us from time to time, and if they saw unauthorised images had been posted, they would complain to the RSPB Forum moderators. If that happened, it wouldn't look good that SWT had specifically asked us not to download and post their webcam images, and we'd ignored them.

    I'm not disputing the action you took in contacting them, at least it has made their views absolutely clear, but in my view we only have one option now - comply!   

    By the way, I kind of get the impression that Roxanne King believes that you are an Administrator of the RSPB forum, and therefore capable of delivering on her request to "ensure that no images taken from our web site, web cam or blog posts are reused on your forum".

  • Thanks Sue C - taken onboard.  Just had the latest reply from Roxanne , tried to post it but to no avail will try later but must go and do dinner. 

  • The disappointment at SWT's policy is quite obviously upsetting quite a a lot of us - understandably, I hope they have a rethink but doubt it. I am going ahead with creating a blogger account (work in progress) with links to all UK Osprey sites I can find. I will not be using Youtube in case of any copyright issues, but there are alternatives. If only for my own pleasure it'll be worth it but hope others will contribute pictures/ videos ( All you will need is an online email account which can be anonymous - ie your screen name)

    I thoroughly enjoyed last years thread for LOTL and if anyone has any idea of what we may lose can I remind you all of this ?


    Under their new rules this would not be allowed.

    I think it's worth going against their new policy.


  • Hi everyone.

    I can't thank all of you who've contacted the SWT in terms of the screenshots and short videos issues , with regards to their position on intellectual property enough.  I know as an SWT member and someone who had the pleasure of visiting LotL last year, I probably should've contacted them  myself but I didn't want to clog up their systems any more than neccesary.

    I haven't spoken on the issue of people no longer being able to post replies on the SWT blogs but I feel this is a sad development.  I didn't post as often there last year as here but I enjoyed reading the excellent contributions from posters and staff alike.  The contributions made on that blog at the time of the Lady of the Loch's illness last year, were, I'm sure, a great comfort to many people around the world.  The posts helped me to come to terms with what seemed sure to be a very sad event, and the joy expressed by everyone with regards to Lady Marge's amazing recovery was phenominal.  I really think the SWT should've thought a bit more before they came to the decision to stop people from replying to their blogs.  Perhaps opening community forums and then changing to closed blogs might've been a wiser plan of action.

    I like everyone else can't wait for the 2011 season to get underway for the Lowes Ospreys.  At the moment the biggest wonder is whether Lady Marge will come back for another year, or will another female take up the role of Chief Egg Layer and Fish Demander? :-) Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll be a memorable season.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Yes Sue it is good to remind ourselves that these boards, indeed all public forums, messageboards and blogs, are able to be read by a huge audience. It is also amazing what can be Googled.

  • I'm not sure who posted the link (blue background page which I found confusing) but may I thank whoever it was who provided http://photopeach.com/album/819vdm.  This is a wonderful tribute to Lady, with such emotive music.  The photos bring back so many memories too. (This page now looks odd, so it may also have a blue background when I post it, sorry)

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/