Weekly Chat, Sunday March 6, 2011

  • Just read about huge 8.9 quake off the coast of Japan. When I look at the USGS Worldwide map http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/, it seems like we on the West Coast of the U.S. have been very lucky in recent years when compared with other countries in the so-called Ring of Fire; still as "they" keep reminding us, it's not a question of "if" we'll get a major earthquake, but "when."   Am also watching tsumani warnings/watches as they expand - several countries in the Pacific/Asia region have warnings.. Very interesting to see how this kind of information makes it onto the internet so quickly.  Let's just hope the damages/casualties aren't going to be too awful.  Good grief: CNN already has shots of a tsumani in Japan.... And yet another aftershock of 7.1!!  Within about one hour, they've had 7 earthquakes, the smallest of which was 6.3!  OK, really must go off to bed (though keep check the telly and the USGS site just one more time.....).

  • I've just seen the news on CNN. Such an awful tragedy! I understand that the tsunami warnings have been extended to Australia. I hope Wattle and AQ are not in any danger. I wouldn't think that AQ would be at risk, but I don't remember exactly where Wattle lives. Tsunami warnings now in 19 countries. Annette: I assume you'll be okay there? Stay in touch. (I say that because CNN now says tsunami watches have been expanded to California, Mexico, and Oregon.)

    EDIT: It's now a Tsunami Warning for Annette and our entire Pacific West Coast. Stay safe, Annette.

    Hope all bloggers and their families are safe.

  • Good morning All jsut a quick peek to catch up.  Thanks for the news and captures.  Lynette we are actually going to see Chas and Dave at the O2.  They are doing a last tour together and we are great fans.  Most people just know the usual stuff you hear on the radio but they are much more than that and extremely good musicians to boot.  Going to feel shattered tomorrow but will get over it.  Have just checked on the weather for Viareggion and it says that on Sunday (the day of the carnival) there is going to be heavy rain, hope they have got it wrong it would spoil things for them.


    Take care all and see you when I get back.


  • Ugh. What am I doing awake at this hour? Well, daughter was having sleepless night in Arizona and turned on telly to see, according to CNN, that entire West Coast is under a tsunami warning and she felt compelled to call me.  I logged on to Pacific Tsunami Center site to see (as Diane mentioned) tsunami advisories/warnings in effect for West Coast. Thing is, CNN doesn't differentiate between advisories and warnings.  We are under an "advisory." which means possible strong currents offshore. Just north of here, they're under a "warning" which tells folks near the beach to move inland.  According to the PTC website, any possible "tsumanis" or, as is most likely, minor increase in local wave height, isn't due here until 8:17, so I think I'll go back to bed.  So much for a good night's sleep.

  • Ditto re the Japanese quakes and tsunami. Terrible events indeed. So many disasters lately.

    Hope the other tsunami warnings remain just warnings and all settles down without further incident.


  • Diane - yes very much aware of the X class flares. I am not situated northerly enough for auroras in the usual run of things but given the current conditions you never know :)

  • PATRICIAT.  Wear trousers all the time so all my shoes are for wear under trousers. When you come for your visit to Nethy and have time for a visit to Inv. The shop is Rogersons in Union Street and as well as great shoes the staff are also very helpful.

    Hope you have luck with OTs visit.

  • Afternoon all. Not quite so windy today ... yesterday and the previous night were WILD! The patio containers were all over the place, and for only the second time ever, my bird feeder pole & base blew over ... no damage done though. It pales into insignificance when you see what has happened in Japan, and may yet happen elsewhere. I hope all our bloggers are safe!

    I've missed margobird, but I hope she has a great holiday.

    AQ - great Friday Smiles again :-)  and well done on your speedy holiday booking.

    Brenda H - I had to chuckle at you and your laptop during the power cut... its just the kind of thing I would do!

    Alan - lovely pic of your resident blackbird. My budgie has been very noisy this last week ... he thinks he (and everybody else) should be up and about at first light, especially when the sun is shining!!

    Diane - loved your pics of the black capped chickadee. I wasn't aware of the X-class solar flares ... interesting. Pleased you didn't get locked up at your demonstration  :-)

    Gary - more lovely pics of Miss Toffee ... she's just gorgeous! Glad you survived your bad weather.

    patriciat - I hope your OT home visit goes well today and help can be arranged for you both.

    OG - lovely to hear that your seeds are up! I am going to have to replace some of my plants in containers as I don't think they have survived the bad winter :-(    However, its fun planning what I will buy as replacements! Sorry you have been a bit 'under the weather' ... but its good to have your Bird Conference to look forward to. Hope you have a good day today, shopping for the garden ... and lunch out.

    Thanks to everyone that I haven't mentioned by name, for chat etc.

    Take care.


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Afternoon all,

    Diane : Thanks for the info re the solar flares.

    AQ : Thanks for the friday smile.

    Patriciat : I hope all goes well with the visit from the OT today and I hope you are enjoying Crufts.

    Everyone else thanks for the chat etc.

    Terrible news re the earthquake in Japan and the Tsunamis to follow. Last I heard there was a train missing and a town of 10,000 people has been inundated.

    This morning we went to Barnwell Country park for a walk and a picnic in the car. There had been a Goldeneye on the North Lake but we did not manage to see it today. We did see a nuthatch on the way back to the car park. This is the first I have seen at Barnwell. It was sunny earlier but now it is clouding over with the temp at 11.5c. Off to check up on the webcams. Its all gone quiet re the sightings. The ospreys must know the weather is bad in Scotland.   The weather has not been good at Gibralter either. For the past few days the weather conditions have been atrocious, with heavy levanter cloud and strong to gale force easterlies and rain. Lets hope it does not hold them up too much.

  • Hello all, Awful news from Japan.  I hope that none of you are in the areas with tsunami warnings.