After Tiger started the thread for tracking Rothes and Mallachie I thought that we could do with a thread for the tracking of ospreys fitted with transmitters by Roy Dennis. As the "summer" marches on it won't be long before the only way we can get our osprey fix is to follow their migrations.
This year we have the opportunity of following all three tagged birds from last year: Nimrod, Beatrice and Morven. It will be fascinating to find out if they will winter in exactly the same place as last year, and also whether they take the same route.
Added to that Roy has tagged two more adult males this year, Red/white 8T (an Abernethy bird) and Morven's other half (Logie's ex fella). I'm not certain whether Roy has any further transmitters or will attempt to catch any more adult males but, including Rothes and Mallachie, we will be able to follow at least 7 ospreys on their incredible journeys this autumn.
Unknown said: Interesting news about a new tracking project. See The chicks from Loch of the Lowes may be tracked. All Marge and Eric fans will be pleased at that I suppose.
Interesting news about a new tracking project. See
The chicks from Loch of the Lowes may be tracked. All Marge and Eric fans will be pleased at that I suppose.
Tiger: That would be fantastic news if it happened. Do you know where the report came from because I've not seen anything about it on the SWT website?
I do not know where it came from but if anyone knows Cosworthlady does. She is a massive fan of The Loch of The Lowes Ospreys. I will as her.
Tiger Signature
Tiger : I find that news rather surprising as they did not even ring the chicks this year. They must have had a big change of heart if that is true as I am sure I read that they did not want to intervene as Marge is a rather old female osprey.
my recollection is the same as yours Alan.
Latest news from Roy Dennis:
Latest update 24th Dec: Honey buzzard - Rana in Cameroon & Vespa in Nigeria; Ospreys - Beatrice in Spain, Rothiemurchus and Red 8T in southern Senegal, Morven in Mauritania, Nimrod and Taisman in Guinea Bissau. Tom the golden eagle still in Gaick, and Oran, Mull sea eagle, south to Islay."
Another sighting in the South of France:Sunday, December 27th, 2009Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud) / Labenne (40) 1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) [Julien Bariteaud ]
Another 2 on the Faune Aquitaine site - 1 is a juvenile:Monday, December 28th, 2009Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud) / Labenne (40) 1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) [Julien Bariteaud ] Comment : Survole le site, en provenance du casier nord, un poisson entre les serres, direction sud ouest
Réserve de Bergusté / Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx (40) 1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) [Tom Deest ] Comment : posé sur une digueDetail : 1x immature
And another - probably same one as yesterday:Tuesday, December 29th, 2009Marais d'Orx (Casier Sud) / Labenne (40) 1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) [Julien Bariteaud ] Comment : 3ème jour consécutif que je le vois; dans un premier temps il reste perché sur un piquet puis s'envole et adopte un comportement de chasse au sud ouest du casier sud; des promeneurs interrompent brutalement son activité.Detail : 1x adult
I posted some info (English translation) on 'Zorro' yesterday, but lost it., as the post failed. I will try again after new year.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Looking at Roy Dennis' last report, I can guess why Beatrice has apparently switched to fishing in the sea and a reservoir. The region had abnormally heavy rainfall over Christmas, causing a number of rivers including the Guadiaro, to burst their banks - see these reports:
Fishing in those rivers would clearly be out of the question, so she's had to adapt her behaviour - will be interested to see the next update.
Sue C :Thanks for the info re The Rain In Spain and the two links.