After Tiger started the thread for tracking Rothes and Mallachie I thought that we could do with a thread for the tracking of ospreys fitted with transmitters by Roy Dennis. As the "summer" marches on it won't be long before the only way we can get our osprey fix is to follow their migrations.
This year we have the opportunity of following all three tagged birds from last year: Nimrod, Beatrice and Morven. It will be fascinating to find out if they will winter in exactly the same place as last year, and also whether they take the same route.
Added to that Roy has tagged two more adult males this year, Red/white 8T (an Abernethy bird) and Morven's other half (Logie's ex fella). I'm not certain whether Roy has any further transmitters or will attempt to catch any more adult males but, including Rothes and Mallachie, we will be able to follow at least 7 ospreys on their incredible journeys this autumn.
Update on Talisman. Still in same area - stopover or wintering ground?
Nimrod is off again!
Thanks Sandy. I have updated their placemarks on my GE.
Another 2 great photos of the juvenile taken at Sprotbrough Flash:
Good morning Alan thanks for the link. I have so many photographs now to keep me going through the long winter months until the next season starts. I will never lose my fascination for ospreys, they are just magnificent. It is about time all the ospreys were on their way now, didn't realise they can stll be seen in the UK.
Much cooler here in Poole this morning and the birds in my garden which have been a bit absent of late are back in force.
Afternoon all. I just found out, that we have one satelliteosprey this year in Finland. This was published just few days ago.
If you scroll the page, there is an icon where you can switch language and from that page you find "satelliteospreys" button
my photos in flickr
auntie me agan but thanks for the link. More osprey reading and I notice a lot of other birds and some wonderful photos.
OMG, so sorry folks!!!! I just cheked that link I gave, and there doesn`t seem to be any information in english about Jukka (satelliteospray). Well, he was ringed and tagged (red with white PS in left foot) 31st july. He started his migration in the 24th september,crossed Gulf of Finland and was in Belo-Russia on the 28th
auntie my PC automatically translate all languages into English and I suspect others on the forum have the same facility so don't worry. It can also be translated using Yahoo Babelfish.
Ok, Margobird. In that case for those who are interested
Margobird - how does it translate? Do you have to ask it to? Mine's in Finnish.
Terry in Cumbria