Weekly Chat, Sunday February 20, 2011

  • MARGO hope you enjoy Chris Packham. Didn't take to him at first but he has grown on me and he is certainly very knowledgable.

    I know there is a painting called "The Kiss" but I prefer this one.

  • Oh dear, OG's hedge of sparrows has just been surplanted on my computer by dibnlib's Kiss.

    Terry in Cumbria

  • dibnlib I just love "The Kiss" how cute is that.  I think I will enjoy Chirst Packham tonight.  He is very enthusiastic and as you say very knowledgable.  We noticed the theatre is full when we looked at the website so he has generated a lot of interest.


  • Alan – great to see the Dolphins – but where are they when I go to see them?  Anyone know best time of year – we’ll be there in April.  As for the Osprey in Israel – an expensive tastes, a Koi that size!

    Terry – I love your chuck-out priority for if you got rich – lucky cats to have you as their slave!!!

    Dibnlib – love the picture!!

    Margo – enjoy your evening with Chris Packham.


    Weather is almost bright – certainly no longer grey, and no precipitation right now.  Got lots of small tasks out of the way this morning.  After lunch, visited greenhouse, and left OH there putting back my shelves and preparing other stuff for a good planting session soon.


    Did anyone see on BBC news page: Mercedes the old Polar Bear at Kincraig is getting worse with her arthritis – they are trying new medication but suspect she will have to be euthanased at some time in the future.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG  hope you have a good few days with son. 

    sorry I have no advice on dolphins. Have been told the turn of the tide when they come to feed but it is anyones guess. There is a lovely photo of Moray Firth baby dolphins in todays Scottish Mail page 9 not sure if you know how to access it. We have seen them only rarely, but on one occasion they were so close you could almost touch them.


  • OG   didn't see that about Mercdes. Thought it was a bit daft when Kincraig got Walker supposedly to keep her company. Looks like he will be on his own soon. Hate to see big animals in captivity but at least Mercedes was saved from being shot after she was found straying into villages for food.

  • What a horrible day.  Pouring with rain all day.  I did consider doing the M11-M25 trip to Aged Aunt, but decided against it until a drier day.

    TerryM I admire your stamina for the long cycle ride which no doubt included HILLS!  The photos of Whitehaven were wonderful.  I do enjoy visiting small harbours, they have so much character and loads of history.

    Alan so pleased your team continues to do well!  My like your, my protestations have been petitions and writing to our local MP - although I got to 'know' three locals during the anti-wind farm campaign. Great piece on Chanonry Point.  I have been there and seen the dolphins in numbers.  Impressive.  Go to Fortrose, take Ness Road through the golf course to the point at the end.  We were there as the tide turned and was coming in, and stayed to watch for over two hours.  There was a big crowd watching - binoculars, huge cameras and even larger lenses.  One person was sitting on a scaffolding tower to get an uninterrupted view!

    Alan and TerryM thank you for the info about Phoebe, her nests and mating partners.  So busy for such tiny birds.

    Great captures again Lynette

    Annette your supper last night, chicken salad, sounded delicious, and all washing down with a glass or two - that's my girl!  And sightings of three whales.  Was that the first for you for the season?  If so, all the more special.  I had a quick GoogleEarth to see the area you were speaking of!

    OG your experience with the hair drier was a trifle 'hair raising'.  Mine has sparked and stopped, just before a holiday.  I certainly wasn't burned by it though.   I bought a new one to go away with but returned to it later.  I found that the mesh at that back of the drier (opposite to the nozzle) was blocked with dust/fluff and after clearing that it has continued to work well for over a year.  But by the sound of it yours is for the rubbish bin - or recycled electrics!

    Diane what are you demonstrating/protesting about? 

    Lindybird fascinating piece on the owl colour.  So our winters are getting warmer - are they!

    OG to hear that our bread maker makes you sneeze.  Any idea why?  My OH is my bread maker.  He uses a hydration process which requires very little kneading and makes excellent bread.  Sorry to hear of Mercedes.  Somehow I feel it is wrong to keep them in captivity in our climate.

    jsb thanks for the NZ radio link.  It makes interesting and poignant listening.  Authorities were saying there was no hope for the victims in the Canterbury TV building - fire and gas is the reason.  It doesn't bear thinking of.  The presenter said earlier that that bearing in mind population and size of country this is equivalent or worst to 9/11. There is a shortage of fresh water too.  Specific sources have been identified, with advice to bring personal water carriers.  Disposal of waste is a problem.  Advice is not to bathe, shower or flush the toilet.  Things we all take for granted.

    Margobird hope you enjoy Chris Packham.  I admire his knowledge of wildlife and the science brought into the programme, but in Springwatch I rather tired of his giggly relationship with Kate Humble.  Each works well individually.

    dibnlib super photo of the alpacca.  Far prettier than llamas!

    Forecast for tomorrow is much brighter, thank goodness.




    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/


    Morning all: Plumber here right now fixing leak in shower while I sort through some paperwork. Off to (light) lunch with friend and maybe a stop at the gym afterward and then a couple of nurseries (garden centers). See that many people are still missing in Christchurch - images of that collapsed office building certainly aren't reassuring....just awful.

    Diane: Just read that Indiana's proposed "right to work" bill has died and won't be put back on the legislative agenda this session, so is it safe to assume that you won't be making the trip to the state Capitol?  Assume you haven't been harboring any missing House members in your garage? :-)

    OG: Wow! That hairdryer incident was "hair-raising" indeed as Sheila says! That particular salad is a favorite; just let me know when you'll be out this way and I'll put it on the menu.

    dibnlib: You're invited too! Very cute photo of Mom and baby alpacas (thanks Sheila for correcting me re llamas)!

    Sheila: I'll set another place for you too. Yes, those were my first whales of the season; as of Tuesday evening, the group has spotted 15 northbound (we don't count southbound). Mike updates the site at the end of each day. Here's the link for anyone with enough time to tear themselves away from the birdcams!


    Alan: Thanks for the Rothes update; will be interesting to see when/if she and any siblings might make the trip north. We see quite a few dolphins just beyond the surf while watching for whales - they were pretty lively Monday, leaping completely out of the water. Amazing and intelligent creatures.

    jsb: Thanks for the link to the NZ radio station.

    Plumber has just finished up and departed. I have to do a quick vacuum around and think about the ironing (don't want to rush into anything!)  Take care all.




  • Annette thanks for the reminder of your whale count web site.  I will certainly keep and eye on it - although I must admit with so many other 'live' links that we have I may find it difficult to watch regularly.  I was surprised to see how 'cool' it is with you at present.  A high of 60 degrees F isn't what I expect of a Californian coast line!  But I am sure that sitting quietly on the cliff top, staring out to sea is a heart-warming experience.  I love looking out to sea, listening to the waves, watching the overhead birds and of course on watch for the elusive whale.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • A late hello to everyone been out and about...everyone has been busy.

    Just had an e mail from Dartmouth friend and she and OH are just boarding the ferry back to North Island.

    Have been talking to youngest who spent 6 months around Hawkes Bay an extinct volcano area. She said she just got used to tremors as they were on the go most of the time forever picking pictures up off the floor and finding new cracks in the fields. Strange it was so normal she never bothered to mention it before.

    My highlight at Chanory point wathcing the dolphins was about 8 years ago. I was having to visit Raigmore hospital on a daily basis for radiotherapy and was lucky enough to have early times so that I then had the day to myself. This one very blustery day I decided to take a trip over the bridge to the Black Isle. OH was in the New Forest at his company HQ. I stood there the waves were breaking and the dolphins came so close to the shore it was just amazing. The wind was howling and they were just having fun. Had to phone OH to tell him...and boy was he jealous. 

    OH off to doctors tomorrow after his quick trip to hospital on Sunday, so maybe the pair of them can get to the root of the trouble.

    Pleased I was out today as they were cleaning the steading (barn) all the beef cattle are indoors so plenty of ******** and it is pretty ripe.