
At 1.30pm on Friday 3rd April 2009 a new male osprey arrived at Loch Garten and began to woo EJ who has had a difficult time at Loch Garten since she arrived on June 16th 2003 having been evicted from her own nest.

At the time we said that we would give the new male time to settle in before passing judgent. As the season darws to a close maybe it is the time to say what Odin has come to mean to you and how he compares to previous Loch Garten males like OVS, Henry and Ollie?

  • I have had no experience of EJ's previous mates but I remember saying about Odin the Magnificent and his fishing skills that I gave him (actually, I can't remember  but....it was probably)..10 out of 10 BUT  was reserving any distinction until the girls were teenagers. When the girls WERE teenagers I did have some reservations about the distinction 'cos I just had no experience of what to expect from a male Osprey.

    But now, with them all about to leave with all my heart I give Odin a distinction.  I wish I'd known Henry (how special and hard to be a one parent family, whenever that was. And Ollie...yes I would very much have liked to have known Ollie.

    So, those of you who did view these special males 'in operation' I am eagerly awaiting more comments to Tiger's thread.



  • Hi Tiger,

    Can't compare to the previous males, but in my opinion, Odin is a good'un.    I love the way he just flew in out of nowhere, took command, provided mother and babies with ample food as well as vigorously (and victoriously) defending the nest whenever an intruder threatened.   Like all story-book heroes, he's surrounded with a bit of mystery!  Hope he (and EJ, of course) makes it back next year. 

  • Odin has to be an all time hero-  just like the old fashioned ones we oldies remember from the b & white films, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable and more lately, Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe.   He appeared without fanfare, manfully charmed his girl, protected her from danger, and has now provided for his offspring in spectacular fashion.  What more could a girl ask for?  (He's a handsome lad, too).  Three cheers for Odin the Magnificent, Odin the Hero, Odin the Great Provider - Hip, Hip, Hooray!! Just hope he comes back next year and that EJ remembers all his attributes, too!

  • Lindybird said:

    Odin has to be an all time hero-  just like the old fashioned ones we oldies remember from the b & white films, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable and more lately, Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe.   He appeared without fanfare, manfully charmed his girl, protected her from danger, and has now provided for his offspring in spectacular fashion.  What more could a girl ask for?  (He's a handsome lad, too).  Three cheers for Odin the Magnificent, Odin the Hero, Odin the Great Provider - Hip, Hip, Hooray!! Just hope he comes back next year and that EJ remembers all his attributes, too!

    I echo absolutely every single word Lindybird has said. I have no experience of any of EJ's previous partners other than what I've read. Odin is indeed magnificent and when I set eyes on him when we visited Loch Garten I had to bite my lip very hard; I wanted to cry. I know I'm the soppy sentimental sort but a bird, making me cry? I "heart" Odin and hope that both he and EJ return and find each next year. What a love story eh?

    Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.

  • unfortunately I only started watching the Ospreys midway through last year, so only really have OVS to compare to. Lets be honest-there is just no comparison. I have heard a lot about Henry and Ollie so I can only say that Odin seems to be up there with the creme de la creme of the Osprey world and would like to think that he will be a regular to LG in years to come.

  • I concur Lindybird. 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • I think many of us who have been watching Loch Garten for many years were hoping for a resolution of the soap opera which has been played out each year since 2002 when Ollie failed to return. I can think of at least two big Ollie fans who were devastated when he did not return as he had been male in residence since 1990. Indeed Ollie's first family of two both died after fledging and it was thought to be because Ollie had not provided enough fish. However he did redeem himself in the years after 1990.

    Henry in some ways had an awesome reputation. His main weaknesses was that he often arrived back late from Africa and by that time EJ had laid eggs fertilized by her ex-husband OVS who you all saw for yourselves last year. OVS had an awful reputation but he did seem to have something akin to love for EJ. After all when they were forcibly separated in 2003 he sought her out and found her in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and then finally getting her all to himself again in 2008.  Was there ever such a love story? Henry would have been well advised to have paired up with a tardy female rather than a bright and early one like EJ.

    But I guess that is all history now. Odin had taken over as male in residence at Loch Garten and raised three magnifcent chicks. I am still stunned by the beauty of that picture of Garten which Stuart published yesterday. It is easy to forget how big these juveniles are and if they were to give you a big friendly peck you would know about it.

    So aside from that one little incident where Odin needed a bit of help from Tesco he has performed amazingly in the fish department although Ollie is alleged to have brought 14 fish to the nest one day in 1995. Actually Odin will I am sure have changed things forever as this is the first instance I am aware of where fish were placed in an active nest.

    Of course Odin is a bit of a mystery as no one has as far as I know any idea where he came from. Maybe it is best it remains that way.

    Of course the hazards of migration lie ahead. When we say goodbye we will just have to wonder where he goes and hope he reappears next March or April. I guess you will all be waiting with bated breath.

    I have never figured out why ospreys are so fascinating. I guess they just are.

  • Hazel b said:

    I think many of us who have been watching Loch Garten for many years were hoping for a resolution of the soap opera which has been played out each year since 2002 when Ollie failed to return. I can think of at least two big Ollie fans who were devastated when he did not return as he had been male in residence since 1990. Indeed Ollie's first family of two both died after fledging and it was thought to be because Ollie had not provided enough fish. However he did redeem himself in the years after 1990.

    Henry in some ways had an awesome reputation. His main weaknesses was that he often arrived back late from Africa and by that time EJ had laid eggs fertilized by her ex-husband OVS who you all saw for yourselves last year. OVS had an awful reputation but he did seem to have something akin to love for EJ. After all when they were forcibly separated in 2003 he sought her out and found her in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and then finally getting her all to himself again in 2008.  Was there ever such a love story? Henry would have been well advised to have paired up with a tardy female rather than a bright and early one like EJ.

    But I guess that is all history now. Odin had taken over as male in residence at Loch Garten and raised three magnifcent chicks. I am still stunned by the beauty of that picture of Garten which Stuart published yesterday. It is easy to forget how big these juveniles are and if they were to give you a big friendly peck you would know about it.

    So aside from that one little incident where Odin needed a bit of help from Tesco he has performed amazingly in the fish department although Ollie is alleged to have brought 14 fish to the nest one day in 1995. Actually Odin will I am sure have changed things forever as this is the first instance I am aware of where fish were placed in an active nest.

    Of course Odin is a bit of a mystery as no one has as far as I know any idea where he came from. Maybe it is best it remains that way.

    Of course the hazards of migration lie ahead. When we say goodbye we will just have to wonder where he goes and hope he reappears next March or April. I guess you will all be waiting with bated breath.

    I have never figured out why ospreys are so fascinating. I guess they just are.

    Oh Tiger that made me cry about OVS and EJ

    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

  • Awww Carol it never occured to me that that would happen when I was writing it last night. In fact I am not sure it has ever happened before. Mind you before people get too sentimental it is as well to remember that OVS always sloped off to his other wife (green 7B) when Henry saw him off at Loch Garten. Assuming green 7B was the bird that evicted EJ in the first place she really did affect all our life. Who knows who would be top female at Loch Garten now if that had not happened.

    Anyway good to know that you shed a tear for old OVS Carol. Not many would  except perhaps EJ  :)