
At 1.30pm on Friday 3rd April 2009 a new male osprey arrived at Loch Garten and began to woo EJ who has had a difficult time at Loch Garten since she arrived on June 16th 2003 having been evicted from her own nest.

At the time we said that we would give the new male time to settle in before passing judgent. As the season darws to a close maybe it is the time to say what Odin has come to mean to you and how he compares to previous Loch Garten males like OVS, Henry and Ollie?

  • So how has Odin been in 2010?

    At least no need for a helping hand from Tesco this year!

  • Thanks for bringing Odin up Tiger.  He has been marvellous again and one of my lasting memories of him this year is how he loved to incubate the eggs to the extent that EJ often had to give him a nudge before he would go.  Three healthy youngsters again all due to his fish deliveries all without the help of Tesco bless him.  Long may he be the partner of EJ.


  • Hazel b said:

    So how has Odin been in 2010?

    At least no need for a helping hand from Tesco this year!

    Tiger, Odin has now passed the "Ten Point Male Osprey Test" with flying colours so I would say his performance this year has been exemplary.

  • Odin has been even more magnificent than last season with his increased presence on the nest during incubation and his constant supply of fish resulting in his score of 180! at an early stage. The proof of his abilities is for all to see with 3 huge and healthy young ospreys. 

  • Unknown said:

    Odin has been even more magnificent than last season with his increased presence on the nest during incubation and his constant supply of fish resulting in his score of 180! at an early stage. The proof of his abilities is for all to see with 3 huge and healthy young ospreys. 


    --think Alan in particular, has said it all, Tiger!    Long Live Odin the Magnificent!

  • I thought Odin was fantastic last year, but seems to have matured more this year. He has tolerated EJ's nagging and provided for his family through some extreme weather. There are three male (?) ospreys with his genes nearly ready to face the world. If birds feel pride, then he should be a very proud Father. I love to watch his facial expressions, from the day he looked at his newly hatched tiny chicks to now, when he delivers a fish and those same 'chicks' snatch it from him. When the time comes, I wish Odin, the same as EJ, a safe migration and a peaceful winter, wherever that may be.  

  • Odin is a sensational Osprey.  Absolutely brilliant at all the tasks in his role as a husband, father, nest defnder, fish hunter etc.  Just watching Odin and his family has made this a wonderful debut season for me.  There is so much I'll never forget that it would make this post too long if I put it all down.  He's ospreytastic.  Thanks for simply being Super Odin.  My best wishes always go to Odin, EJ and their offspring.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • ''Tiger, Odin has now passed the "Ten Point Male Osprey Test" with flying colours so I would say his performance this year has been exemplary.''


    I have no idea what these  ten points are but I am positive Odin passed this test  with distinction.  I can only agree: His performance this year has been exemplary.

  • Long live Odin the Magnificent!  I agree with all the testimonials above.  100% for performance and effort - and such great genes to pass on to these three and any future offspring!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • As the season ends maybe people might like to post their favouite Odin pictures so that we know it is him when he returns!