The Goodbye (again, again !!)

Well, my second attempt at a Forum for just our 'good byes' has been deleted. I'm suppose to write here under Loch Garten Ospreys. All I can do is to encourage you to write as you deem appropriate a farewell to The Family, Jeanette has written a lovely Ode but it's under the current blog but hopefully one or  other of you poets will write under this 'Group' headed 'Loch Garten Ospreys' . And the rest of us can just add our thoughts.

It's become a bit boring now it's for the third time but my contribution is:


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What can I say Osprey fans!  My heart is in my mouth and down at my feet !  :(         But, :)

I am expecting the very very best for this wonderful family. The Girls have had the very best start in life. They are blessed as they have been such a blessing to us. Three new Ospreys to grace our world and Scotland in particular.

I shall always remember my first sight of a very very handsome Osprey which Richard told us was named Odin.  I so hope one of us has a REALLY GOOD picture of Odin 'cos I didn't do so well in trying to grab images of him off the STILL camera to paste into Word, pop into Photoshop to change into a jpg image that I could more usefully use. (Tiger supplied one: VERY many thanks Tiger – I don’t suppose you have one of EJ do you?)

And I shall always remember that moment of epiphany when on that cold Scottish night EJ left the sleeping chicks in the nest (leaving me to give an internal gasp and wonder where she was going in the dark!)  to return with a 'baby blanket' of some flat organic material which she draped over baby Garten before settling to brood them all.

Then there is .......The Girls . How beautiful Rothes is, how handsome Mallachie is, (yes,I know she's a she but somehow 'beautiful' isn't quite right) - so good looking, Mallachie, so good looking, and precious Garten, you are so, so attractive little one. But, of course, you are not little any more but grown and graceful. A family to be proud of indeed, EJ and Odin.

I have a lump in my throat and my eyes are misty as I type this. So wish I was Dr Doolittle !!!    :)

Au revoir  - till I see you ALL again - cherrio (not goodbye),

  • We are all going to have lumps in our throats when the Girls go, and of course our proud parents EJ and Odin the Magnificent.  It's been a real  life story that couldn't be bettered in any film or book, because we have seen it unfold daily (with a few brief interruptions!) before our own eyes.  We can only wish Good Luck to all our brave family and send them on their way with a quick wave of a damp hankie.

    Have put together a few words in a poem for their leaving: will post it here as you suggest, when Richard tells us they are departing.

  • Thanks Lindybird. But I'm confused now 'cos Margobird actually sent a post this morning to  the   original 'The Goodbye' . But please don't let us lose your poem when you post it  !!! I f necessary post it twice !!!!   :)

  • Sorry Cirrus but if we are talking about our beloved family is it supposed to be here in "Groups".  I am still confused as most of the postings still follow on from latest blog from LG and I don't want to miss anything.


  • Margobird, you could not possibly be as confused as I've been. Chin up !!! All is well.


    No, it's OK Margobird - you may 'legally' post in both :) why not !! ? A good 'copy and paste' never went amiss.I've actually found the ORIGINAL  'The Goodbye'  which I thought was lost forever !!! So post there, or here or under the official blog. I'll probably do all three. LoL



  • Your original posting is here   I've not seen the second one anywhere I have been today.

    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***


    I skirt the bright Loch for one last time

    Before turning my wing to the South:

    To leave my childhood life behind;

    My sisters and parents both.


    I've grown up amongst tall Scottish pines

    In a family built on love,

    With a Father strong who's fished for us long

    And a Mother who's put us above.


    Now a journey awaits me, both dangerous and far,

    My new learnt wings will just have to try

    To keep me aloft through both hard winds and soft

    The great distance I now have to fly.


    There'll be an urge to keep on -  an urge to fly down

    Though the waters below appear cool,

    I may stop for awhile but press on

    One more mile, over river and forest and town.


    My life may be brief or short on relief

    From the troubles I may have to face.

    But I'll struggle to stay on the right Osprey way;

    If I fail, I'll have no sense of grief.


    As warm Africa calls, with no barriers or walls

    I'll go where the Ancients have flown:

    Above cities and trains, to strange lakes and vast plains, to

    Return to the places we've known.


    I'll fish in those waters so foreign from here

    My huge eyes will not miss chance of prey.

    I'll preen feathers, up high, as I perch there to spy,

    With my fellows I will have come Home.

  • Lindybird I had done quite well today without one tissue, but you have started me off again, wonderful wonderful poem.


  • I can't believe how recently I watched EJ lay the egg that was to be Rothes - I recorded the moment.  This wonderful bird is on her way now - all our hopes and good wishes go with her.

  • I'm not very good at poems, just want to add my thoughts

    I have felt it a priviledge, to be able to share in the lives of these wonderful birds,who until I found this site quite by chance, I knew very little about, and now I talk about EJ and Odin and the girls as though I know them personally. Without knowing it they have brought so much pleasure to us mere mortals.

    I too marvelled and worried when EJ took off in to the night to come back with a blanket, and then when Odin went missing, we all thought the worst, but goodness just look how everything turned out.

    Have to admit hubby and sons give me that look, when I mention their names.but what do they know

    EJ the girls couldn't have wished for a better mother

    Odin my goodness, what a spectacular and carfing mate for EJ, and such a great provider for the girls

    So with all my heart I wish you all a very safe journey to where ever you may end up, and thankyou for the past few monts, and now the tears.

    The more you rush, the longer it takes

  • Ellieloo thanks for that it surely echos all our thoughts and once again a very emotional day although I was OK this morning  but Lindybird's poem set me off again.  You are right they have become family to us all and we will miss them all so much.
