Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 16, 2011

  • Unknown said:

    Auntie: I'm sorry that you're so sick. Please be good to yourself!!!



    Diane  you have been really busy with all the cards you have posted.  Another good one and how photogenic is that bird.


  • Good morning trish 2 I must have been watching Lily and Hope at the same time as you.  First page I looked at today but the cam is down.  It would appear she is in labour or maybe has even given birth by now.  They are going out to try and fix it later.  Can't wait to see if we have cub/cubs and also to see what Hope's reactions might be.


  • Morning margobird, thaks for the bear link shame that the cam is down

  • dibnlib just seen that your ankle might always be a bit swollen.  You must have done some terrible damage when you fell.


    I agree with what you say about public transport.  I never feel too safe on our buses for the same reason.  Fortunately I don't have to use the buses very often.  The stop where I get off is just round a sharp bend and I never get up until it has stopped.


    Enjoy your coffee and day.


    Alan  I have a mental image of you dressed up as a Thunderbird.  Hope Hamish's eyes are a little less sore this morning. Loved the clip about the hotel built from rubbish.  As dibnlib says hope people will take it on board.


    Hi to all  I have not mentioned.  Started off sunny and not quite so frosty but has now gone cloudy which is the way it will be over the weekend.


    Billy Whizz has already been for a snack and drink this morning and a neighbour's cat kep me company while i was out putting food out for my birds. Not at all interested in the birds, just laid under the garden table relaxing.  As I have said in another post I am getting nearer and nearer to Billy and even hopeful that I will be able to stroke him and encourage him to make his home with us indoors.


    Will find out about my sister tonight when my other sister phones.  I hope everything went well and that her treatment will start soon and also that a scan will be taken of the lump that has appeared on her leg.  Still feel very worried about her future but trying to be optimistic.  One thing I do know is that she will be fighting all the way as she says she has so much to live for.


    Have a good day all.


  • Alison W said:

    Morning margobird, thaks for the bear link shame that the cam is down



    You are welcome ALICAT so frustrating for them and for us.  Hopefully they will be able to fix it quickly.


  • Good morning BrendaH  started off a bit frosty and sunny but now cloudy.  It must be hard for your DiL to leave her mother at this sad time but I hope you enjoy your time with them.   Good luck in the quiz tonight.


  • Morning all .... beautiful day here, but very cold ... white frost is still thick on the ground.

    Diane - thank you for my gorgeous owl card! My back is improving each day and I am being VERY careful!! What a lovely 'shaggy dog' Chester is :-)) Sorry about your snow ... and that is seriously cold weather.

    Annette - I am trying gentle exercises, so will do the leg stretches ... thanks!!

    margobird - thanks for the info about Lily, and the cam being down. You certainly seem to be making progress with Billy Whizz ... I bet he will venture in during the summer.

    Thanks to everyone for chat links etc.

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Typed a load of stuff in and the link went down.

    Diane : Thanks on behalf of Hamish for the lovely card. His eyes are a bit better today although it has been a struggle getting him to accept the gel in his eyes. 4 times a day is a lot of messing about  with a dogs eyes.

    Margo : I am glad Billy Whizz is becoming a bit more friendly. I really miss our neighbours cat that had to be put down at New Year. He was always sunning himself in our garden.

    Sun is still shining but temp is only 0.3c. Bird bath has re frozen since this morning. We had around 20 starlings in the garden today and yesterday I saw 5 magpies in a tree next to the field where I take Hamish for his walks.

  • Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Better motivated today - achieved a lot already.  Won't stop now, although I see there are loads of posts.  I also see on Bear cam that I was probably right about Lily going into labour.

    Really just came on to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lynette.

    Back later 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!