Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 16, 2011

Morning all:  Long day at the rose garden - poor Robert who supervises the volunteers has been fighting off a bug and a couple of us stayed on longer than usual to help him clean up stuff.  I'm sure I'll be stiff tomorrow. Not as many folks showed up as last year and some of the beds were pruned by city employees which means we'll have to go over those beds again since they did a fairly perfunctory job.

Watching Mad Men (Netflix rental video of first season).  Great viewing when you're too tired to think. Take care all and have a nice Sunday.

  • Managed 5 mins on x trainer today and had short swim   . Struggled with getting trainer on as a large area of foot/ankle/leg still swollen but managed with no socks.  Had a short swim and yet another coffee at Tiso.

    WENDY Have things planned for Mon Tues and Wed but do let me know if you will be at DW on Thurs or Fri and what your schedule or plans are and maybe we can arrange to meet up.

  • DIANE  What a lovely little red bird on your greeting to Lynette.

  • Dibnlib: So pleased you managed a bit of time on the crosstrainer and got a swim as well.

    I will probably go on Friday as I do the 12.30 spin class and have swim afterwards. You seem to go earlier than me so maybe we can meet after you finish and before I start. Mind you after handing in my letter yesterday I could well be banned.... Or if you have shopping to do we could meet at a nice coffee shop.

    I did pop down to Bannatynes but was not to impressed by it for 2 reasons. The first is they have very few daytime spin classes and secondly they encourage children, they even have highchairs in the coffee shop and that is a no no for me.

    Quiet sunny day here today even OH work was quiet and he stood by the back door and counted the sheep in the back field...got to 51 and nodded off to sleep!!!!  

  • WENDY   Yes I agree, fitness clubs should limit times when children are allowed in. Fri sounds good and must admit don't rate the plastic coffee many places serve, including DW That is the reason we go to Tiso Outdoor Experience and most people agree it is the best coffee in town. Any other ideas from you most welcome and we can discuss in a few days time where and when. We are so local most anything suits.

  • Afternoon disappeared somewhere, so not much accomplished.  Intended to lay out seed potatoes in egg boxes to “chit” but there was black ice on the doorstep, so stayed indoors - another job postponed.  Cleaner is now a grandmother – baby is called Imogen Rose, which I think sounds lovely.  Did anybody else watch the BBC2 Natural World programme earlier this week about the Marshes of Southern Iraq?  Good to see something positive happening there, for people and wildlife – I hope it will continue.

    Trish – Lily is very restless this evening (afternoon there) – I wonder if she’s beginning labour.  Hope is also wide awake.

    George – nice that you had a drive up to Vane Farm, even if there wasn’t much to see - it’s good to get out a bit.  Will you get someone to do the dog-proofing for you, or will you be doing it?  Do take care.

    Diane – lovely bright cards for Get Wells and Birthdays – will cheer us all up!

    Dibnlib - tempted to try your recipe next time we have white fish – will let you know what we think.  Pleased you are getting some good exercise – sorry about the continuing swelling, I hope it goes right down soon.  Sounds like a busy week coming up for you – I hope you and Wendy will manage to meet up – we still think of our lunch together last year!

    Wendy - tell your OH you are supposed to count the sheep at night, not in the daytime!


    Time for a wee supper snack now, and I think I’ll turn PC off so I am not tempted to return and delay bedtime!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Alan: I'm sending healing energy to Lady P. Best wishes to her. Also, I hope Hamish fully recovers soon. My boxer experienced similar problems. Awful, I know.

     This is my friend's rescued dog, Chester. Not sure what breed he is. My friends say that he's a muppet.

  • Dibnlib: Sort it out nearer the time then. I have not had coffee in Tiso so maybe we could meet there sort of .. I like to find new places.I did pop up to Simpsons the other day and thought of Alan P and his comment on the amount of Christmas stuff still on sale...all looked really sad.

    I do go to Tiso's for my walking shoes my last were more than I normally spend but I felt better as £10 went for the breast cancer charity. On that subject I am at Raigmore on Tuesday for my annual check up with the lovely Mr Walsh.

  • Hi folks, managed to get to the gym this morning so had my swim, was tired and a bit stiff afterwards after missing last weeks swim.

    Auntie - hope you are feeling much better soon, they can be a nusiance these viral infections.

    Alan - what superb pics of the eagle. Can never get the cam up but maybe I am logging on too late in the day.

    Diane - thanks so much for the ecard.  What bird is it, very colourful?

    Thanks also for all your news.

  • Went to Phoebe' s page first and found out that both eggs have hatched.  Now there is Bea and Jay. Latest pics.

  • Alan - hope that Lady P and Hamish are feeling much better soon.  Take care of yourself as well.

    That goes for all those who are feeling under the weather at the moment - look after yourselves and feel better soon.