Busy all day - will catch up tomorrow. Have a good Sunday all (don't forget to check last pages of previous thread. Somebody has been posting photos of puppies again!)
Patriacat - sorry to hear about your friends border collie having to be put down, its a grand age 15. We had two cats a few years back one 19 and one 17 that eventually had to be put down due to illness. Its always kinder for them. Take care.
No doubt Annette will start us off again for next week - crikey another week passed. Not long now to spring and EJ and Odin's return folks.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Starting a new thread.
Good views of Lily and Hope at the moment they both seem to have the fidgets.
2,313 people watching Lily and Hope at the moment.
Just looking in and yes, Margobird, quite a few watching Hope and Lily. Pic of them coming up and of squirrels at the Pensylvania site, also the Derby peregrine. Will catch up later.You can just make the squirrels out, unfortunately not the red variety.