Weekly Chat. Sunday 2nd January, 2011

Hi everyone.

Fasten your cigarettes, and extinguish your seat-belts (I'm sure I've got that the right way round), for another week.  Osprey season draws nearer.  :-)



Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • OG, Sounds as if you are getting all your Spring cleaning done. The gales were in the Channel last night and as we only live 10 miles from the coast, we got our share. It has been very quiet, weather wise today, but the sun didn't appear.

    Annette, Did they not leave you with a replacement TV, even if you have got another one. You are not a good advert for their 'after sales service'. I am keeping note of all this, as we have a Panasonic with a 5 year guarantee, which says that they will replace TV if they can't repair it, but will provide a TV if they have to take it away to repair.

    Trish 2, Lovely picture of your female sparrowhawk.  Glad OH and Mia were able to have their walk together.

    Diane, Good to hear you are having dinner with your brother. Hope it was an enjoyable time.

    Linda, You are going through a busy time again.  

    Gary, Lovely puppy photo. That one looks as if it has reached that mischievous age.

  • Lindybird wrote: Manchester Free Trade Hall was sold despite arguments from various factions:  it is now a Radisson Hotel although it looks much the same from outside, as they were made to keep the frontage as it was.  My OH remembers going to see Acker Bilk there, and the Chris Barber Band, with singer Otilee Paterson, in the early 60's!!

    Its been sold now has it, I use to frequent it when the Halle Orchestra played there under Sir John Barbirolli, Martin Milner was the Leader, which was in the sixties..  I saw quite a few conductors.  Use to get their autographs afterwards but unfortunately during one of our moves I stupidly threw all the programmes away as excess baggage, should've kept them as they might be worth something now!!!!!!!  Use to love the concerts, I would sit on the side seats overlooking the orchestra on the right hand side as you look directly at the stage.  The acoustics were marvellous but I'm sure they are even better at the Bridgewater Hall - never been there yet. 

    Diane thanks for the info on the wild turkeys.

  • Oops, thanks Brenda H I did notice the copyright in left hand corner but published with that on.   Better not do it again if I am infringing the law , don't want to find myself on the wrong side of the law.   Let's hope someone with a better knowledge than both of us can advise.