This thread is for Osprey nests that don't warrant a thread of their own, and for other raptor nests of interest, in an effort to keep Osprey threads to a minimum for the sake of other Community members.
19 January 2025
White-tailed Eagles, Cairngorms
If the eagles adopt this nest and breed, "we" may wish to give them their own thread and will have to decide where to put it.
The cam is solar-powered, there's been no nightcam so far. The timeline is not up to WildlifeWindows' usual standard, it's often unreadable :((( The WTE appeared @ 16:37.
A sign of WTE life behind the nest (after the mystery pair flies by):
EDIT 21 January
The breeding season for white-tailed eagles in Scotland is from 01 February to 31 August.
Thank you Scylla. A very good idea
I edited some info into the OP under the video.
Looks like this nest could prove interesting Scylla, thanks for posting
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
23 January
Maybe our corvid experts can make out individuals in this distant view - they all dispersed just before nightcam. The only other birds seen have been the 3 Wood Pigeons in the same tree (I'm pretending they're the same ones as at the LG Osprey nest) and Chaffies and Great Tits on the nest itself around 8 o'clock in the mornings.
Well, Scylla, I think you are right.I did see hooded crows in the mix but couldn't tell if there were any jackdaws. I think the rest were (common) crows. Certainly no ravens or rooks. Thanks for this video.
25 January
Short visit to far tree by one of the WT Eagles this morning:
NE Florida Bald Eagles
This used to be long-ruling Romeo and Juliet's nest - tragedy overtook them a few seasons ago and (it was thought) their son Samson took over eventually and paired with Gabrielle - however, Samson disappeared and has been replaced, so now we have Beau and Gabrielle and they laid 2 eggs this season, of which only one has hatched:
27 January
The pair flew in in the afternoon, I think the male flew straight thru and the female stayed for nearly an hour, accompanied by little birds then corvids:
SW Florida Eagles - very sad news
Both eaglets have died within a day or two of each other, it reminds me of the death of our female osplet a couple of seasons ago, when a PM reported salmonella poisoning.
This is Lady Hawk's channel, she has documented everything.
Aw that is so sad to read Scylla
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It has been reported that the 2 SWFL Eaglets died as a result of bird flu.
The SWFL eagle Facebook page seems to be full of confusion re the situation re the adults M15 and F23, and recriminations re sharing without permission. Given the format of Facebook (which "they" tried to inflict of LG forums, if you remember!) it's not easy to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
One of the adults was seen at the pond, first reported as F23 then corrected to M15 - and another report of both adults seen together somewhere off-cam.
WTE news from WildlifeWindows: