I hope everyone has the best week possible.
I don't have a positive post for you all this week. The polar vortex (dangerously cold air from the Arctic) is dropping down on Indiana for the next few days. We are under an Extreme Cold Watch. The "feels like" apparent temperature will drop to 20 below zero Fahrenheit or lower in my area. That's 29 below zero Celsius. My house will be too cold for me to do anything but stay under the electric blanket and sleeping bags, read, and listen to the radio until the vortex goes home. The high winds caused a limb to fall on my power line yesterday, causing a power outage. Luckily, the very kind power crew got here within 2 hours and restored my electricity.
Lots of sweary words by me this coming week!
Love and hugs to all of you.
Afternoon all from a wet and miserable Suffolk. I usually post on Sunday but I will be away from tomorrow - nothing exotic - first to Essex to visit my Sister and her husband as she is having a hard time caring for him following the leg break. He is not being very appreciative of her or the carers that come in 4 times a day to help but the dementia has a lot to do with that. He initially refused all food amd medicine, even his insulin, until one of the male nurses had a strict word with him. I will stay tomorrow night and then travel on Friday to London to help with my sons 2 kids whilst Mum and Dad have a nights break and then help with childcare over the weekend. I will travel back to my Sisters for Sunday afternoon and stay the night then home Monday!
Dibnlib - your friend is a marvel and what an attitude to her situation.
Lindy - I hope you OHs treatment goes well.
Rusty - glad your friend has shown a small improvement. Of course you must continue to enjoy your outings with feeling of guilt - it is what she would want you to do.
OG - I hope you continue to improve.
AQ - I had promised myself that I would not watch any of the US election as my blood pressure is bad enough. But I saw the bits you mentioned of him signing things - I despair - and he will be there for 4 years!
Diane - I hope you are over the worst of the bitterly cold weather and will soon see sign of spring in your woods and of course the critters. Stay warm and safe.
Annette - maybe its time to splash out (no pun intended) on a new fountain and possibly a new keyboard.
Heather - I hope your friends have a great time in the US.
Lynette - good luck with the diet - just focus on how much better you will feel once the operation is done.
To everyone else - have a good end to the week and weekend.
Wishing everyone well and thank you for your lovely comments about Erica. RUSTY Interested in your hearing comments. I am going to have my left ear syringed tomorrow and hope this does help with my hearing problem.
Harelady: Have a good trip and don't wear yourself out. (Keyboard is part of laptop so switching out not an option.)
I''m currently living in a "Trump Free Zone" meaning that I'm not letting that (insert here any and every naughty word you can think of!) toxic moron into my life, although I suspect I'll soon need to participate in whatever anti-Trump battles there are... could be a fulltime job. :-(
Annette - I believe you can get an external keyboard with a USB plug. Might that help?
Yesterday I had an early start as Dau had a training day at her new school where she will be a teacher’s assistant. The one who copes with “problem” children. Rather her than me. One cannot discipline the little darlings these days. After a long day she came home to say she had to complete some additional stuff online. Of course I said I would stay until she finished. I arrived home 7 pm, tired, not hungry but ate one of my pasties anyway. The Trio were no problem, the twins played happily together, Miss13 helped me with a load of washing, both hanging and sorting when dry. In return I (slightly) helped her remake her bed! The Trio cleared their plates after snacks (fruit) & lunch without any reminder. I had 2 nanny naps. The worst part was driving home in heavy traffic.
I haven’t watched tennis for several days – too many grunters left in matches.
DIANE – I hope you are warmer.
DIBNLIB – Your friend is an inspiration to all.
RUSTY – Hang on to the fact that it is early days yet for your friend. And yes, you must go out with other friends; moping won’t help.
LINDA – Best wishes to your OH. How long is the treatment?
My thoughts go to HARELADY as she helps with her b-i-l. I was told once that the grumpy aged “take it out” on close relatives as they know the rellies won’t leave them. Good that he will listen to the male nurse.
ANNETTE – Is the next step that descendants of immigrants should be evicted too?
I'm almost ashamed that he is half Scottish, AQ.
Morning all:
PatO: Swear I responded to your suggestion re free-standing keyboard. Yes, looked online last night and they have bluetooth/wifi ones that I must find out more about..
AQ: Re immigrants, I wonder where that leaves Melania.... will she take herr inauguraion hat wth her? :-) I've heard the term 'the tyranny of the sick" somewhere.
Heather The last time he was elected, they interviewed someone in Scotland who wondered "What have we spawned?"
Another fire down south, but what's that on the horizon? Can it be rain? Not soon enough. Meanwhile, 'breaking news' on the LA Times website invoves the 2025 Academy Award nominations; who got snbbed this year. I recognize the names of only three of the many people listed in the various categories. And here I was wondering last night what was going on in Syria since Assad got ousted.
Its wet, damp & rainy here. All at the same time. Ugh. After waiting most of the morning for the rain to ease off, I dashed outside to feed the birds then tried to take my wet shoes off again. The left one was stuck!! They have zips instead of laces. Eventually my OH had to force my shoe off but we still can't move the zip - I may need to throw a perfectly good pair of shoes away -- grrr
Thank you for good wishes for my OH on his treatment - he has to go to the hospital every Wednesday for six weeks. Then after an interval, for another 3 weeks. He hasn't yet had any side effects and has cheered up a little as he was not looking forward to it all. I keep telling him about all the things we're going to be doing once its sorted out at last.
Sending my good wishes too, LINDY ! I've had visitors which keeps me from the device :-)
LINDY Good news that your OH has cheered up. Maybe you could take your shoes to a cobbler.