I hope everyone has the best week possible.
I don't have a positive post for you all this week. The polar vortex (dangerously cold air from the Arctic) is dropping down on Indiana for the next few days. We are under an Extreme Cold Watch. The "feels like" apparent temperature will drop to 20 below zero Fahrenheit or lower in my area. That's 29 below zero Celsius. My house will be too cold for me to do anything but stay under the electric blanket and sleeping bags, read, and listen to the radio until the vortex goes home. The high winds caused a limb to fall on my power line yesterday, causing a power outage. Luckily, the very kind power crew got here within 2 hours and restored my electricity.
Lots of sweary words by me this coming week!
Love and hugs to all of you.
I already slipped it in.....
Thanks, ANNETTE, have passed the info to them. They are looking forward to seeing it .
I hope that things happen quickly,now, OG. It seems that you haven't been in your normal,health for ages x
OG That is good news.
I have more good news. My friend Erica has just sent me a video of her taking her first steps on her new leg. She is on her 2nd day of another weeks rehab in Manchester. She will have to take things slowly of course....no marathons for a while!!!!!
dibnlib - Fantastic news about Erica. She has done brilliantly. I hope her new leg will take her from strength to strength. From what you have shared with us over the time since her dreadful accident, it wouldn't surprise me at all to hear she was running a marathon - perhaps not this year, though!!
dibnlib: That lady is amazing. What a fabulous attitude she has.
AQ: Thank you; will wait to see developments.....:-))
Having lunch with m yoga teacher/friend today. Also must try to track down a leak somewhere in the always-problematic irrigation system!!
OG - it is good to hear from you. I hope your health continues to improve.
Dibnlib - your friend is amazing. I do hope she now thrives with her new leg.
My sister visited our friend today and thought she saw another slight improvement. It is still early days of course.,
Goodness, I don't know where I've been but I seem to need to catch up - lots of posts lately.
It's been damp here but my OH managed a round of golf, which was good as he needed to take his mind off his course of treatment which begins tomorrow. I know he's anxious about it. I shall go with him but won't be allowed into the Department. I'll drive around the corner & browse around the supermarket until he rings me to say he's coming out afterwards.
Yesterday I managed to bite the inside of my lip, so now every hot drink or food hurts until it heals up. Ugh. Putting salty liquid into my mouth as it helps.
I watched he Orange Menace at his inauguration and it was fascinating. Today he's insulting the lawkeepers & he'll be lucky if the USA Police don't lose half of their number to resignations. Meanwhile we have a PM here who thinks it's OK to speak to us all as if we are just children who dont know right from wrong. <sigh>