Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2024

Happy New Week and Happy New Month


                   HAPPY NEW YEAR!

You are all dear to me, and I wish you all joy, peace, love, and wonder in 2025.

We will close out the year with a rare "black moon." That's the second new moon in a single month.

The moon turns new on:

30 December at 2:26 p.m. in California

30 December at 10:26 p.m. in UK

31 December at 8:56 a.m. in Adelaide, Australia

Nice to have a brand new moon to start the new year!

Honestly, this has been a bad year for me personally and for the US collectively/nationally. I'm danged glad to see 2024 in the rear-view mirror. LOL

Love and hugs to all.

  • Apologies for late wished for the New Year - I hope you all had a good time.

    I have been back at my Sisters as Brother in Law is still in hospital. Small progress as they get him out of bed to sit in a chair but he finds it very uncomfortable. No idea when he will be allowed home though.

    I now have my Daughter and her girls, Seraphina and Luna here - they will stay in until Sunday. The school starts on Monday. 2024 went by so fast I hope 2025 is more leisurely.

    I hope all those with ailments recover quickly.

  • Today we awoke to a heavy frost-- my OH had set the alarm early as he had offered to take some friends to the airport which is not too far from here. He had to defrost the car which would not even let him open the doors at 1st!!  Halfway to the airport, our friends panicked and they had to turn around, & go back, as they had forgotten to turn the heating down! They have gone to the sunshine of the Canaries for a whole month.....

    I am about 95 % right now, after feeling very strange in the stomach area for days. As we both had it, at 1st we thought it was what we'd eaten, but now we think perhaps it's a bug going around like all the other things at the moment. As I've not had much,  I've lost a couple of pounds!!

  • Harelady, you came on whilst I was wittering on. Glad you're having your lovely family to visit. Sorry about your poor brother in law.

  • Lindy - Glad you are feeling better  There are so many odd things around at the moment, and lots of people have had some sort of lurgy.  

    AQ - Yes, I have no idea what day I'm on.  For the last almost five years I have been sending a weekly church newsletter out on a Thursday evening.  I woke up just after midnight last night remembering I hadn't sent it!  So up I got, did the last bits of editing and sent it out.  Whew!  Wonder how many people noticed?!?!?

    I've had the most fantastic day today.  Woke to a very white world - frost, not snow.  A bit concerned for my friend, who doesn't really like driving in adverse conditions, but she arrived and was happy to carry out The Plan.  Eastbourne, in the sunshine, was beautiful.  We walked a very long way in the sunshine in the morning, along the pier, with superb clear views against a cloudless blue sky.  Then grilled salmon and chips, after which we walked even further in the other direction, still in the sunshine.  Total just under 12,000 steps - the furthest I have walked since I injured my ankle.  It's a bit stiff now, but otherwise no ill effects.  Then on the way home we did a brief diversion to a local lake for the sunset - and a wonderful starling murmuration.  I thought we were too late - but we most certainly weren't.  What a wonderful day we had - a fantastic way to start a new year.

  • PAT O  How lovely, a great day for you both.

  • LINDA - It sounds like you both had a bug. Do rest up. {{{HUGS}}}

    PAT - You had a wonderful day. Good your ankle has recovered.

    Yesterday was not a good day. I had a raging headache – all my own fault as I had choc cream pie for lunch previous day with Dau & Co and lazily had some leftovers with my tea. I should have known better, too much dairy especially cream leads to headache or wheezing.  I am OK this morn and I shall avoid dairy for a few days.

    I finished another Family Story and emailed or posted to those in family who are interested. Actually this story has been “finished” since March but I needed to, ahem, prrof-raed it. In the end I gave up and sent it off, warts and all, hoping not too many 1900 & 1800 dates mistyped. Next story is nearly ready, just a few bits to explain better. MissTeen has been reading them, so I try to explain how times were different for our ancestors.

    Today’s newspaper had a page of “25 Changes in 25 Years”. Yikes, it made me feel old!!! Year 2000 was only just the other day, wasn’t it? 

    I shall be hibernating today with 36 C max, hot north winds and high fire danger warnings in many areas. And summer is still to come.

  • I forgot to post this  on New Years Eve

    Tis the season to be merry . . .
    Lyn belongs to our Diet Club and she was lamenting that she had gained weight.
    She told us that she had made her family's favourite Christmas cake, and added that they'd eaten half of it over the festive season.
    The on New Year's Eve, Lyn continued, she kept staring at the other half, until finally she cut a thin slice for herself. One slice led to another, and soon the whole cake had vanished.
    She went on to tell us how upset she was with her lack of willpower, and how she knew her husband would be so disappointed. Everyone commiserated, until someone asked what her husband said when he found out.
    Lyn smiled broadly and quipped, 'He never found out.  I made another cake and ate half of that too.'

  • Morning all:  Looks like the UK folks are expecting some winter weather; also Diane is probably hunkering down too.  Stay warm (or if you're AQ, stay cool).