Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2024

Happy New Week and Happy New Month


                   HAPPY NEW YEAR!

You are all dear to me, and I wish you all joy, peace, love, and wonder in 2025.

We will close out the year with a rare "black moon." That's the second new moon in a single month.

The moon turns new on:

30 December at 2:26 p.m. in California

30 December at 10:26 p.m. in UK

31 December at 8:56 a.m. in Adelaide, Australia

Nice to have a brand new moon to start the new year!

Honestly, this has been a bad year for me personally and for the US collectively/nationally. I'm danged glad to see 2024 in the rear-view mirror. LOL

Love and hugs to all.

  • hot cross bums were available on Boxing Day

    Sound good ...... unless Limpy's bum is involved!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare  I so agree and you are right, there is no excuse.

  • Good morning all -

    Heavy rain here, in fact I think over all of Scotland ! 

    I'm expecting most of the,family here this afternoon for a meal. Cold cuts and trifle etc.

  • Heather - it’s beautiful here just now. Enjoy the afternoon with the family. 
    To chip into the hot cross bun controversy - I buy them year round as I like the odd one toasted for breakfast every now and again!!! 

  • Me three, Rusty and Heather!!

    There is a strange light in the sky, and even some colour that isn't grey.  Could that really be the sun trying to put in an appearance?

    I have been spending New Year's Eve Eve cleaning out two kitchen cupboards and my fridge.  I don't think I've ever removed and washed all the shelves before - ashamed, but now feeling very smug!  I will start 2025 with clean and sparking kitchen cupboards (I did the others last week) and fridge.  Now to start on the other rooms while I'm in the mood ... but must have coffee first! 

  • There's an old custom up here PAT, of cleaning the whole house,from top to bottom before the 1st January. I don't suppose the young ones do it now but when I,arrived here in 1977 it was very much the thing to do. I'd never heard of that before. 

  • HEATHER/PAT Yes, this is what my Scottish Grandma used to do and it was in the days before  we had all the electrical  appliances to make things easier so curtains were hand washed etc.  They were hardy folk  I also have to tell you that after a work related accident my Grandfather was blind so "Chrissie" had it tough..........no massive compensation in those days in fact no compensation at all.  She was a lovely woman  always with a smile on her face.

  • She sounds amazing, DIBNLIB.

  • RUSTY – me too – we also enjoy hot cross buns for breakfast – so long as they are from M&S.  I usually eat them as they come, J and OH toast theirs.

    PAT – sky was a weird colour here first thing – but definitely not sunshine – it was an eerie yellow hue all over.   Then came the rain – heavy and also windy all day.  J hjad to go out for an appointment. But he walked both ways and had some lunch at the chippie – we had prawn salad at home.  Podiatry at home this afternoon – she said she has never seen my toes looking so good – no bandages!!

    DIBNLIB – your Grandmother sounds a wonderful strong lady.

    We are back to catch-up mode tomorrow so no extra work for Hogmanay – but there will be Haggis!