Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 December 2024


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates the day. I hope you all have a joyful, peaceful time.

My heart is with those who are missing loved ones during this holiday season.

Tonight is the longest night of the year. It's very cold here, and some snow is glistening in the moonlight. The wildlife are hibernating in their burrows. 

Love and hugs to all. 

  • DIANE – Thank you and the same greetings to you.

    RUSTY – Alas, it won’t be cooler as Jan & Feb offer heatwaves, but I am expecting not to wake so early when the days shorten.

    Weatherman has re-assessed Adelaide’s χmas Day max to 37 C and Boxing Day 42 C. Dau#1 has finally invited me to the χmas family gathering. I am not looking forward to driving 1 hour each way in that heat, my goodwill will melt.

    My friend C (formerly known as Chauffeur Friend) and I have been moaning about the lack of “Christmas” spirit. Few decorations, everyone rushing about spending, spending, spending. My grizzle is the lack of Christmas carols. All they are playing are Christmas songs. Modern with uninspiring words. Where are the old-fashioned carols that send shivers down my spine?

  • Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents' house the week before Christmas.
    At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers. The younger one began praying at the top of his lungs:

    His older brother leaned over, nudged him and said, "Why are you shouting? God isn't deaf." to which the little brother replied, "No, but Grandma is!"

  • AQ:  I agree re the carols.  Not sure I couuld cope with Christmas at those temperatures.   Thanks for the translation - I was just about to start Googling!  Hope your car has a/c fo that drive...

    Diane:  Thank you!  Here's to brighter and warmer days for you.  

    I got my 25-year-old fibre optic tree out and found the bulb had gone out. (the trree is a little larger than Rusty's.)  Managed to take it apart and - amazingly - found the correct size tiny bulb at the hardware store round the corner. The tree is mounted on a small base where the light bulb is and there iis a revolving plastic 'plate'  with swirls of color about for inches across that revolves over the bulb and creates a moving rainbow of colors at the end of each fibre (branch).  So pretty.  Also strung a short string of colorred lights around the bookcase but that's as far as I've got.  Not sure about outside lights as rotator cuff issue has flared up and still 6 weeks until my appointment with the PT guy.   :-(

    Thanks all for posts.  Will try to do a proper catch up at some point...

    Pesky keyboard is still sticking badly.  I now how to take the computer apart but am worried that I'll screw it up properly so am waiting for the holidays to be over when I'll have more time and enthusiasm for the job.  

  • ANNETTE – My car has air con but it doesn’t work well when the sun is blasting through the glass. As for home air con, I have asked tall b-i-l to check filters next week’s visit. Meanwhile I have had to change the batteries in remote, again. Fine, now it turns on. Next I have to find a magnifier to read fine print to convert from winter heating to summer cooling. Why is the world so difficult for elderlies.

    This year I down-sized to a smaller tree - the top half only! I threw out some decorations and set a few aside to offer to Trio.

    A pleasant low 20s temp today. I attacked the rampant abelia, as far high as I can reach. It does look a little top-heavy but now my washing won’t get slapped. The nasty shrub seems to be thriving <insert sweary words> on blackberry killer.

  • Thank you Diane. It sounds cold there. It is wild and windy here again. It is so interesting to read what people around the world are doing to prepare (or not) for Christmas. 
    I had a panic call from a friend yesterday. Another friend had told her that I was good with technology!!! Well, she had had a new phone and couldn’t get WhatsApp. I said “can you pop over?” She did. We had tea and mince pies and we got WhatsApp on her phone plus a few other bits and pieces. I don’t really know what I am doing but I am prepared to fiddle and press things whereas some of my friends are too frightened to have a go. The friend who recommended yesterday’s friend is coming this afternoon to sort something out on her iPad. I am running out of mince pies!!!!!! 

  • Happy Holidays to you too Diane - wishing you peace and joy and  lots of carrots for your closest neighbour in its hibernation. To my joy I had a great spotted woodpecker on my fat balls the other day. Haven't seen it for a while so really pleased it still visits.  Hope your pileated woody P is safe. Our woodpeckers do not have a crest they can raise as  yours does. 

    I prefer to  call the 21st  the shortest day  -  it's my favourite cos from now on each week gets 15 minutes of daylight longer. Each day gets that bit  longer -- hoo ray.

  • Good morning all from a cold and windy Suffolk. As usual I've been reading all your posts but have been busy. Thank you Diane for starting us off and Happy Soltice to all and lets celebrate the light returning.

    I went to my Sisters on Wednesday to take her to the cinema, we saw Conclave and it was very good. Unfortunately that night  her husband got up at 4am for the loo and fell and broke his leg. The ambulence arrived after about an hour and the staff were so good to him as he was in agony. I stayed with my sister whilst he was assessed and x-rayed and he has to have an operation on Monday to put a metal plate in. As he is 84 and with early dementia, it is going to be a long road to recevery but he thinks he will be out for Christmas. Luckily her son and 2 of his Grandchildren live about 30 mins away and can help out. I will see her on Boxing day and take her to the hospital.

    Diane I hope it is not too cold and you and the critters are warm and fed.

    AQ So hot for you and I hope the drive is not too exhausting. Loved the Jingle Bells.

    Annette - I hope the decorations have progressed fro the lower shelf.

    OG - Glad that your GrandDaughter is improving and getting treatment. I hope you managed to get to Church - I walked to mine and nearly got blown away.

    Lindy - enjoy your Christmas away and I loved your cartoon - it s funny but sad also.

    Dibnlib - Horrible for your friends Mum to have a fall, with her issues as well. I hope Benson has forgiven you and will enjoy his presents even more.

    Heather - Im sure your decorations look wonderful and you will have a great time with the family.

    Rusty - congrats on your car passing its MOT and also enjoy your time with family.

    Pat - I only have a very small tree and it does make a difference and cheers me up.

    To everyone else - enjoy this last Sunday of Advent and all have a happy and peaceful time.