Phew! That's that for another year. Now off to check recent posts.
Margobird, glad you keep getting updates about your sister and she was a little better. Hope she continues to improve.What a wonderful bday present to have:)
Diane, thanks for the thoughts about the storm. I didn't have it anywhere near as bad as some places. Still got to use the plow and it was great fun. Sure the novelty will wear off but not yet! Great clip as well, thanks so much
Joan, glad your snow is almost gone. I did get to play with my new toy:)
Linda, enjoyed the jokes:)
Alan, very funny as well!
Shelia, thanks for the thoughts and I had fun. Hope you've had a nice day
OG, hope you're other half
Terry, make the most of the lie in's while you can.
Annette, nothing like TV people to over hype the situation! lol We've had plenty of snow but had worse. Think it's been worse in the major cities. Hope collecting Lightning was fine being picked up
Alicat, glad you're feeling slightly better.
George, thanks for the thoughts, all good thanks.
Wendy, sorry, no more pictures....
Unknown said: GARY: STOP IT!!!!!
OK Wendy....
GARY: Well maybe not!!!!
Wendy, LOLOL, now could be a good time for you....
GARY: For you to choose a little girl and bring her over in the summer.
Gary, I see the ribbons are becoming a little frayed at the can anything be as cute as those puppies? Don't.....stop.....don't stop LOL
Terry in Cumbria
Morning all,
Gary : Thanks for all the cute pictures of the puppies.
Weather is dull,dark,dreary,dismal,depressing and dreich but the good news is that all the snow and ice has gone. Not exactly mild though as temp is at 1.9c at the moment.