Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2024


The full moon is Thursday, 17 October, in US and UK. It's a really close Supermoon.

The Covered Bridge Festival began yesterday in my area. Two million people from Indiana and across the country will visit at least one of the festival small towns to buy arts and crafts, enjoy country foods, take bus tours, and see the covered bridges. This weekend, we have weirdly warm weather and glorious sunshine, so our highways have bumper to bumper, slow-crawling traffic and there are crowds everywhere.

i intend to remain holed up at home until the festival is over on the 20th. I went to the doctor last week, and I took the opportunity to stock up on groceries. Yesterday. I walked to the convenience store on the highway and bought drinking water, so I'm all set to stay on my patch for the duration. I gave the groundhog a carrot today. 

The festival is a badly needed boost for our rural economy, but I'll be glad when it's over.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  •  Closed my waffle to you last eve as a thunderstorm was overhead. Not too bad here – power outages were elsewhere. Airport had 5 mm of rain overnight. I haven’t told of my lunch out on Monday. Friend & I nattered and put the world to rights for 3 hours! I normally would have a small lunch, but, hey, no one to cook for at teatime, so I chose chicken schnitzel. A ginorous piece of chicken in a lovely crisp coating. A mostly leafy salad with a divine tangy dressing. Enough chips to feed me for a week. I managed to finish the chicken & salad and had to leave most of the chips.

    ANNETTE – Did your niece have a better return flight? HM is visiting Aussieland in coming days. I imagine his accommodation on the long flight is super de luxe.

  • AQ:  Yes, she had a whole row to herself from Adelaide to Doha so got a lot of sleep and the Doha-London flight was good too.  A three-hour lunch with friends?  I hope you made arrangements to do it again soon.

    Choir performance was amazing.  The main attraction was the High School  choir and Ms. D's Junior High choir were guest performers; they were very good.  However, the High School choir was inevitably more polished, practiced and versatile.  Three of their soloists were truly outstanding with their poise, vocal range. etc.   THey sang traditional a capella works, jazz, music from movies, etc and they all had a thororughly enjoyed themselves which made it such a fun event for everyone. 

  • Annette - I saw a guy on tv using a postit note - sticky side down to run along the gaps inbetween the keys and lots of stuff came out then a good shake upside down and a gentle tap got lots more out.