Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2024


The full moon is Thursday, 17 October, in US and UK. It's a really close Supermoon.

The Covered Bridge Festival began yesterday in my area. Two million people from Indiana and across the country will visit at least one of the festival small towns to buy arts and crafts, enjoy country foods, take bus tours, and see the covered bridges. This weekend, we have weirdly warm weather and glorious sunshine, so our highways have bumper to bumper, slow-crawling traffic and there are crowds everywhere.

i intend to remain holed up at home until the festival is over on the 20th. I went to the doctor last week, and I took the opportunity to stock up on groceries. Yesterday. I walked to the convenience store on the highway and bought drinking water, so I'm all set to stay on my patch for the duration. I gave the groundhog a carrot today. 

The festival is a badly needed boost for our rural economy, but I'll be glad when it's over.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • Lindy - beautiful photos. Glad you had such nice weather. It is damp and gloomy here today so I imagine it is like that there too. 
    OG - I hope you all got on OK with your jabs. As you know, I got mine on Sunday and was fine at the bowling party in the afternoon. However, I woke up yesterday all cold and shivery with my sinuses hurting. I think it was a reaction because I am fine today. I didn’t go to French but I got a few useful jobs done instead. 
    I am sorry to hear about people’s family difficulties. We are only a small family but we are very lucky that we all live relatively close to one another and that we seem to enjoy each other’s company. 
    This morning it was the turn of the French group to make the teas and coffees at a U3A Open meeting in town. It was very sociable and we seemed to manage OK. We made a good team. 
    I had planned to bring all my potted geraniums into the conservatory this afternoon but it is far too damp and horrid for that job! What a shame. I will just have to sit and read a book!!! 

  • LINDY   love all your literary bits and bobs.  I cannot imagine not having shelves of books or not being a member of a library.  I love our librarians here so much I wrote to the Daily Mail about how great they were and the letter was published.

    RUSTY  You are so lucky to have a lovely family.  We too have small families on either side and as you know I have an ongoing problem with my Brother.  My OH has one Sister and they do talk on the phone (she lives near Oxford) but it is not the best of relationships.

  • Hi all, lovely to read all your news and see the pics re books and growing old.   Also Lindy, the one of Black Rock Sands.   Visited many moons ago when staying in the area. I have the one and only pic of my mum in a bathing costume there.

    Diane - nice to have a country festival celebrating the covered bridges but understand you wanting to hunker down until finished.   Hope it brings in rewards.

    I received the other day pics of our former Methodist Chapel in Worsley and they have done a great job in transforming it , or part of it, into a community cafe.

    You can see they've retained the balcony and opened the roof to show the rafters.   Also the pulpit and organ are still in there. It really looks like a great renovation and hope I can visit it when next up there, probably Christmas now.