Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2024


The full moon is Thursday, 17 October, in US and UK. It's a really close Supermoon.

The Covered Bridge Festival began yesterday in my area. Two million people from Indiana and across the country will visit at least one of the festival small towns to buy arts and crafts, enjoy country foods, take bus tours, and see the covered bridges. This weekend, we have weirdly warm weather and glorious sunshine, so our highways have bumper to bumper, slow-crawling traffic and there are crowds everywhere.

i intend to remain holed up at home until the festival is over on the 20th. I went to the doctor last week, and I took the opportunity to stock up on groceries. Yesterday. I walked to the convenience store on the highway and bought drinking water, so I'm all set to stay on my patch for the duration. I gave the groundhog a carrot today. 

The festival is a badly needed boost for our rural economy, but I'll be glad when it's over.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • Thank you DIANE. Very wise to stock up on supplies and stay out of the way of tourists, even though they are good for local businesses.

    Having put it off for several Sundays, this morn I set out on a church photo excursion. The church website said service at 9.30 am. Intending to photo windows after the service and not knowing whether it would be an hour or 1½ hours, I arrived at 10.30 am and waited in porch. It was very quiet, usually I can track progress by the sermon or the singing. Not a sound emerges. After 10 mins, I bravely edged the inner door open a crack. Still very quiet. Open further & further. There is nobody in the church! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I enter and start photo-ing. Quarter done and a woman appears, so I ask permission to photo windows & memorials. She has no idea; she is preparing for a service. She mentions they are “renting from the Australians”. She has a European accent but I dare not ask where she is from as that is now considered racist. I carry on and finish at almost 11 am. By this time young people are entering talking in some non-English language. They ignore me, obviously thinking I am someone important or official or something. Winge alert – yet another website that is not up-to-date.

    I had offered to buy Xmas t-shirts for the Trio. Returning home I detoured to BigW, alas they had very few, in 2 separate sections; I couldn’t find the second section, probably buried under Halloween junk. Another detour to Kmart. Yes! They have some but hardly any in sizes I require, so a tedious search through three (!) racks with sizes jumbled. Success finally. BTW the sizes had colour codes on hangers. Guess what, they were different colours on different racks. Lots of sweary words. On a Sunday too!

    Not sure what I shall do with my afternoon. Nanny nap first, then who knows?

  • Diane:  I'd probably be one of the tourists, though these days I try to avoid crowds and typically avoid places with holiday-event crowds. 

    AQ:  What a deliciious dilemma: A Saturday afterrnoon with no obligations.  Hope you indulged yourself!

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Thank you Diane for starting the week again for us. I remember you telling us about the Covered Bridge Festival before, and sending some interesting pictures. I would love to see these bridges, but understand why you want to hide yourself away from the tourists! Good that you have the provisions in.

    AQ, glad that you had a successful morning after an uncertain start. I hope you enjoyed your free afternoon.

    Hello to Annette.

    My OH had his long awaited appointment with the GP on Friday. I think it must be easier to get an audience with the Pope! I went with him and was glad that I did. He would never have remembered to tell me about it. At last someone can see how frail he really is. The GP watched him and listened very carefully. He noted that OH was still very unsteady on his feet, and not to be too ambitious in case of falling again. If he appears in the communal area here, no one realises the effort he has made to get there, and thinks he is getting on very well. He has lost weight and is anaemic. I am relieved that another appointment is booked for six weeks time.

    Best wishes to all.

  • Great to read your news DIANE.  It's more than high time that those who are able to do such things have given you weather reprieve . May the warmth dry out those things that need drying out  and cheer old and young bones. As well as give time for maintenance guys to mend things broken. I shall look forward to the the Hunter's Supermoon and think of you. Please give the groundhog a carrot from me and perhaps put out something woodpecker would enjoy where he can see it. I have a great spotted woodyP who visits my fat balls. and even my sunflower hearts. Roll on November 4.....

  • Thank you Diane. I understand the need to hunker down with all those tourists about. Here in North Wales the roads get very busy in holiday times and I try to avoid them and the seaside resorts. I enjoyed the covered bridges in saw in New England many years ago. I can see why people would want to visit them.

    Rosy - I am very sorry to hear how frail your OH is. At least now he is being monitored by the doctor. It must be a worry for you.

    Talking of doctors, our surgery had one of its mass vaccination mornings today. Extremely efficient. I took my neighbour and we both had our flu and Covid jabs! This afternoon the birthday parties for my 6 year old great niece continue with the family one. 10 pin bowling!! We will then go back to my niece’s house for tea. The school friends party at the soft play yesterday was being greatly enjoyed but it was NOISY!!!!!