Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 October 2024

HAPPY NEW WEEK! Good to see you all! Sorry my internet was out during Hurricane Helene and I couldn't start the thread.

The devastation and rising death toll in the southeastern states is so sad, especially in the mountains where catastrophic flooding and hurricane winds destroyed roads and decimated forests, leaving people trapped without access to power, phone, internet, and basic necessities.

Folks in my community have been holding events to gather food, water, and supplies for the hurricane victims. The goods are sent by plane or truck and then loaded onto helicopters, ATVs, or mules to be taken up into the mountains. Thousands of power company trucks and lineworkers have been deployed to do the very dangerous work of restoring power in such high, rugged terrain.

My area didn't have much flooding, but we had the remnant high winds, which downed trees. Some folks lost their homes. My neighbor came over to check on me, and he said we escaped damage because our small town is on a hill on one side of us and a tall ridge is on the other side. I don't have insurance that would have covered this event. I feel blessed to be okay.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • DIBNLIB – Happy Birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day

    LINDA – Great news for your OH (& you). Now for the difficult pre-holiday decision  - which shoes to take. LOL.

    Thanks to ALL who offered me support & words of wisdom. I visited OH this morn, only because I needed to deal with paperwork at office. Good timing – I met the Care Home Doc and we had a long chat. Interesting that he suggests visiting as often as once a week is not a good thing for inmates. That was my instinctive feeling. Now I must explain to Dau#1. I left OH at ten-pin bowling. When invited, he said no, I said yes. The players were all seated and of, ahem, varying abilities. Those Carers deserve Victoria Crosses or such.

  • Lindy, that is such good news. I am (we all are) very happy for you and your OH. That treatment does not sound too onerous. As AQ says, your big concern now will be choosing shoes for your holiday!

  • Good that you were able to speak to the Care Home Doc AQ. Instinctive feeling are generally right. I don't expect that your OH feels as distressed as you do though. He probably does not remember the unpleasant episodes.

    My daughter's mother-in-law is in a care home and finds  her visits a similar experience to yours.

  • LINDY - that is such good news - I'm so happy for you both !

  • AQ - Good to hear your OH seems to be settling well.  Yes, the staff at care homes do indeed deserve medals.  Good you had a chance to speak to the doctor.  Over the years a lot of research has been carried out on the best welfare for people with dementia; it might seem hard for families - I have a friend in a similar position, whose mother has recently gone into a care home and she is struggling with being encouraged not to visit too often.  But the welfare of those no longer able to look after themselves is paramount, dificult as that can be for people who love them.  Do take care of yourself, and do those things that have been difficult for a long time.  My prescription?  Plenty of time with friends, plenty of photographic trips, and lots of reading.  Thoughts and prayers winging their way to you.

  • LINDA - great to read this promising news - and great that you can enjoy the planned holiday before the preventive treatment starts!

  • Thank you everyone: it was great to wake this morning and feel as if something has lifted, although my poor OH still has some hoops to jump through. 

    We are going to Lanzarote, to a hotel we enjoyed 2 years ago, although at that time, they were experiencing something of a heatwave. Hopefully not quite as hot this time! And of course, I had better start deciding "which shoes?" as AQ suggests!!

    Pat,  I agree that AQ needs a prescription to get back to what she enjoys in life. Lots of library visits, lunches out and bus trips are needed.  AQ - It must be hard to leave your OH when you feel as if you should be there. But perhaps the doctors are indeed right and too many visits from loved ones are actually unsettling and upsetting. Only time will tell I expect. Do look after yourself, you must not forget your own health at this difficult time.

  • Just back from Pitlochry and not had time to catch up but thank you for my birthday wishes.  We had a wonderful 2 day break at Green Park in Pitlochry.  The trees in Perthshire are just glorious at the moment and we had a room with a bay window overlooking Loch Fiscally.  Glad to hear your good news LINDY.

  • Should have checked.....It is Loch Faskally.