Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 October 2024

HAPPY NEW WEEK! Good to see you all! Sorry my internet was out during Hurricane Helene and I couldn't start the thread.

The devastation and rising death toll in the southeastern states is so sad, especially in the mountains where catastrophic flooding and hurricane winds destroyed roads and decimated forests, leaving people trapped without access to power, phone, internet, and basic necessities.

Folks in my community have been holding events to gather food, water, and supplies for the hurricane victims. The goods are sent by plane or truck and then loaded onto helicopters, ATVs, or mules to be taken up into the mountains. Thousands of power company trucks and lineworkers have been deployed to do the very dangerous work of restoring power in such high, rugged terrain.

My area didn't have much flooding, but we had the remnant high winds, which downed trees. Some folks lost their homes. My neighbor came over to check on me, and he said we escaped damage because our small town is on a hill on one side of us and a tall ridge is on the other side. I don't have insurance that would have covered this event. I feel blessed to be okay.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  •  DIANE - Thank you for a new week. I’m glad you survived the storms. We see the devastation on our news; it must be so terrible.

     RUSTY - My “new” (few years old) toaster has slots that are not as tall as the size of bread slices these days. Especially the bread that OH liked. One task I do not miss is turning his toast upside down halfway through cycle.

    My new dumb phone purchase was reasonably easy. The shop had some simple ones; they could offer little help (apart from collecting payment!)  as “we have no techy people in today”. Next stop was the telco company. No, of course the old sim won’t do. She inserted a new one, converted whatever & I have the same number. She tested by phoning Dau. Yes! We walked outside shop and Dau phoned me. Alas it went straight to voicemail. Back to seek more help.  Finally all sorted. All this took about an hour and the Trio were very patient. Over lunch, Miss13 added some of my contacts and talked me through adding one myself. I have yet to find time for the last few. Cost of the phone was double the shelf price as I bought lunch for Dau & Trio!!! I don’t mind; it was great to see them.

    Yesterday I washed but forecast didn’t warn me there would be a short downpour. Washing was dripping so I put all back in machine to spin again before pegging in garage. Oops, I dropped a sheet on the dirty dusty garage floor. Then I had to change my clothes as the rain was so heavy I was soaked through. I decided to visit OH. Friend phoned while I was doing my RAT test which I do before I leave home as it would be stupid to drive there first. So it was late morning when I arrived and OH claimed he was planning to walk outside. Hm. Not many staff on weekends and there is no “walking” group this day. I’m too tired to attempt escorting him and weather is horrible. We sit in his room, I babble on what I have been doing. He dozes. Then somewhere in the complex a man starts calling I WANT TO GET OUT. I CAN’T TALK HERE. HELP. PLEASE PLEASE. On and on he called for 10 mins. My OH became distressed. Then I heard the caller say ARE YOU A NORMAL PERSON? The quieter reply “Probably not” as a Nurse calmed him down. I was sneaking peeks at my watch as Staff usually gather the “guests’ for lunch about 11.45 am. This day it was noon and OH was so confused that he did not know why we were moving to another room. I left him in the capable hands of a lovely older carer and went home for my lunch.

    I "slept in" this morn. Not really. Daylight saving time <sigh> and our clocks moved forward an hour.

  • AQ: It must be so distressing and emotionally draining coping with your OH's deterioration. The nursing home visits sound very disturbing. 

    I'm glad that you can at least spend some time at the library or with friends and family now without the pressure to get home and check on your OH.

    You have been under so much stress for so long, and you've coped so admirably with great strength. I know how demanding that level of caregiving is.

    I think of you every day. I wish there were something I could do to help. Sending you hugs and energy. Be good to yourself.

  • LINDY: I will be thinking of you and your OH all day on Monday. If I'm remembering correctly, that's when your OH has his consultation with the doctors. You both have been waiting for solid information about his condition for FAR, FAR too long. I hope you finally get the best news from the doctors that will relieve your worry! Let us know.

    I also was very sorry to read about your ongoing eyesight issues. I hope you get the best possible treatment with the most positive outcome. Sorry you had to buy the yellow lenses. They sounded expensive. Hope they work.

    I am sending you strength for next week. I wish I could be there to give you a hug.

  • Thank you for your virtual hug, dear Diane: it has indeed been a long haul and we both think that things are much easier to cope with when you know exactly what you're up against. I only recently found out that my OH had a scare last January when he once passed blood - he was OK after that until April when he contacted our doctor and all this began --   it's been a long summer.

    Thank you for starting us off again. I'm sorry to hear about all the devastation in your part if the world but its heartening to hear about how people can pull together to help one another. Thank goodness you and your property are OK. Do take care of yourself.

  • AQ - How upsetting it is to hear others call out in their confusion. Its hard for your OH as he must need reassurance. The staff sound very good so it's comforting for you that he will be taken care of. I hope he's settling in.

    I'm glad to hear that you solved the problem of needing a new phone - you will soon get used to it and of course, you have lots of tech support from the young ones! Frustrating doing laundry when the weather doesn't co operate. 

    My new glasses are more comfortable as the old ones were very distorted, because I take them off dozens of times a day to read (I can't get on with multiple vision lenses any more). The yellow tinted ones do indeed seem to help me to see more clearly when driving, which is a relief as I don't want to have to give up driving yet. 

    We are both recovering now from whatever ailed us: I have heard that others have had a mystery "bug" which makes you sick and weak so maybe it wasn't food poisoning after all.

    Hope everyone on here is keeping well and has a good week!  

  • I found my loyal toaster 

    Had finally died today

    I'd been just using it moster

    To make breakfast each day.

    How much I'll miss my dear old friend:

    His usefulness didn't seem to end

    With toast for me, from morn to night

    For marmalade or buttered right

    To the edges of each golden slice -

    It seems so strange to have to say

    "Our friendships over,  from this day!"

    I won't forget you, 

    And I'll cry as I put the new one out to try.

    It just won't seem the same to see

    A new one where you used to be!!

  • Oh Lindy. That’s lovely. Thank you!

    The new toaster was on the doorstep when I got up at 7.30 today!!!!! 
    More later. I have to rush out to a meeting. 
    Thank you Diane. I will comment on your news later too. 

  • 'Like'  is hardly  the word -  I read your post with such sadness Diane .  It's wonderful that disaster brings the best out in us humans but what devastation. I am so glad your home somehow weathered Helene and hope your woodpecker survived to greet you as you walk down your long drive . All my thoughts  and prayers for America and you  in particular Diane.

  • Thank you so very much, CIRRUS, for your kind words. It's so good to see you. The pileated woodpecker took shelter in a hole in the ridge next to my patch. He was not happy about the storm, and I saw him stick out his head and shriek a couple of times when the coal black clouds were moving in.

    I hope you are well and life is being gentle with you. Hope you enjoyed the ospreys this year!

  • Thanks DIANE,for starting the week. Also thank you to everyone for sharing their news. I've been reading everything but can't concentrate on replies at the moment ! Maybe tomorrow...

    I've had a few things on my mind and have lost the ability to keep several balls in the air at the same time - (that is if I ever had it in the first place).

    Regards to all