Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, September 29 2024

Hallo all.  Seems like Central Indiana, including Diane's neighborhood, got hit by high winds, downed trees and power outages as Hurricane Helene traveled north (not a hurricane at that point but still very strrong winds).  Do hope no damage to her little house in the trees.....  I'm sure she'll be in touch when  she can.

We are having a low key birthday celebration tomorrow for daughter and granddaughter whose birthdays are two weeks apart.  Granddaughter was working on hers and will also be working on daughter's so we're combining both.  Grandson will - hopefullly - be home and fast asleep:  He'''s been gone from home fo 31 days, working 16-hours a day on various fires around the state.  Spoke to him a few days ago and he was completely exhausted.

It's been a busy week and Monday will be busy but really hope thing will slow down after that!  

Hope everyone has a good week and that various health concerns will be laid to rest.  Take care everyone.

  • AQ - it must be so nice for you to be able to relax when out meeting friends. Not the ideal situation obviously but one which takes the pressure off you. I am sure you will get all the clothes for your OH eventually. I also hope you find a suitable mobile phone. 
    I went shopping this morning and only met 2 people I knew in Tescos!! Naturally we had a chat.
    This afternoon I visited a friend whose husband has died. He had been very ill and it was a blessing. Still sad though as I knew him as a vibrant talented man. My friend was very frustrated because, apparently, there is a new system for getting a death certificate and doctors and registrars don’t seem to know what to do. She finally got the call whilst I was there. 2 weeks after her husband had died. She can now organise the funeral. Completely unnecessary and unwanted stress at such a time. 

  • Just not fair for your friend RUSTY As you say unwanted stress for her.

  • Hi!  I think I missed a day or two on here!  Wednesday we had a good lunch and good-enough shopping trip.  We spent some time looking at air-fryers, and still can’t decide whether to invest in one.  How are you getting on with yours, LINDA – or anyone else who uses one?

    Yesterday was a good catch-up day at home, and today continued – OH and J both trying to do some cleaning, but OH gets waylaid with other necessities so still hasn’t finished the study!  We did go to local supermarkets but seemed to take a lot of time on choices.  We did spot a family who had a very neat powered wheelchair and asked questions about it as we have been wondering if I should use one like it rather than the scooter (which hasn’t been out of the garage for a long, long time!)

    LINDA – glad your OH has the long-awaited appointment on Monday – hope you can relax through the weekend and not get over-anxious – a very stressful time for you both.

  • Hello everyone. Thanks to all for news. Not much going on here. O H's road to recovery is slow (after his fall).

    Very sorry about your OH's long wait for results of the tests LINDY. Not an easy time. I hope you have positive news on Monday.

    I was interested in the conversation about David Hockney. I know very little about art, but I love the colours he uses. We bought Christmas cards of his paintings last year.

    Very nice pictures from the Welsh Mountain Zoo RUSTY. We went there years ago. We thought it was a lovely place. I think that is when I last saw red squirrels.

    Best wishes to AQ. Good luck with the purchases of various items! Good that you did not have to clock watch when out with your friends.

    Good to hear from OG, Diane, Annette, Dibnlib, Pat O, Harelady and everyone else I might have missed.

  • Sorry, I missed HEATHER. 

  • Rosy - just as we were driving out of the zoo we saw a sign to red squirrels, so we never actually went to see them. I know a place on Anglesey where is it easy to see them in the wild. I took this picture one time I was there.

  • I do like red squirrels!  I've only once seen them in the wild, at Aboyne in Scotland.  Other than that, only in wildlife centres.  Some years ago we used to have a rare albino squirrel where I live.  I reported it to the relevant people who are interested to know where they are.  It was one they hadn't heard of before.  It was around for about three years but I haven't seen it for a few years now.

  • Well, my 52 year old toaster has died!!!!!!! I thought it would go on for ever! I wonder if I will be able to buy a small 2 piece toaster now? I don’t want or need anything fancy!!! 

  • OG   Erica has 2 powered wheelchairs, one is very lightweight for when Murray has to keep heaving it in and out of the car for short usages and the other very high tech and used when Erica needs it for a longer time, this is the most comfy.  She has never had the scooter type.   We have ummed and aaahed about getting an air fryer but not bothered in the end.  Just another thing to take up space on the worktop. I know many people would not be without.

  • RUSTY   What a lovely pic of a red squirrel.  As I am sure you all know we regularly see them in the woods here.