Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, September 29 2024

Hallo all.  Seems like Central Indiana, including Diane's neighborhood, got hit by high winds, downed trees and power outages as Hurricane Helene traveled north (not a hurricane at that point but still very strrong winds).  Do hope no damage to her little house in the trees.....  I'm sure she'll be in touch when  she can.

We are having a low key birthday celebration tomorrow for daughter and granddaughter whose birthdays are two weeks apart.  Granddaughter was working on hers and will also be working on daughter's so we're combining both.  Grandson will - hopefullly - be home and fast asleep:  He'''s been gone from home fo 31 days, working 16-hours a day on various fires around the state.  Spoke to him a few days ago and he was completely exhausted.

It's been a busy week and Monday will be busy but really hope thing will slow down after that!  

Hope everyone has a good week and that various health concerns will be laid to rest.  Take care everyone.

  • Thank you Annette. Sounds like you have a few busy days ahead but nice ones too. I do hope your grandson gets home for a well earned rest. I hope Diane is OK there too. Strong winds must be scary in those woods.

    I am just going out for my usual Sunday morning walk with my friend. Her cold seems to have got better enough for her to consider coming. She suggested it and I thought I needed the exercise!! Got ironing to do so it is conveniently putting it off!!!! 

  • ANNETTE  thanks for starting the week.  RUSTY  Enjoy your walk.  We will be taking Benson to the uni in half an hour, his usual on a Sunday as we have no problem parking.  Walking is definitely preferable to ironing though if I can find something good to watch on TV while I am doing it then I don't mind.

  • Good morning all - I too hope that Diane is safe and well and thanks Annette for starting us off.

    On the subject of Maggie Smith, I watched a film called The Miracle Club yesterday - set in Ireland with a great cast. Having Irish roots from my Dad - I recognised the Ireland of the time and the people and their ways of dealing with uncomfortable things. Its well worth a watch.

  • I think that was a fairly recent release HARELADY, wish now we had gone to see it.  We are going to see "Lee" on Wednesday, starring Kate Winslet, it is about a female war photographer and has good reviews.

  • Harelady:  I saw Miracle Club and loved it - my Mum was born/grew up in Cork so I too was familiar with those characters.  :-)

  • Thanks very much, Annette, for starting the thread. My internet went out when the storm winds intensified (more than predicted!) Friday night. I'm okay. Remarkably, my power is on, but internet is still unreliable. I hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations. Hello to all. 

  • Yay!  No trees down in you immediate area then...

  • Thanks, ANNETTE, for attending to our new week.  I hope the birthdays celebration will go well.  Seems like your Grandson has been working very hard – I hope he will get a good rest.

    RUSTY – I hope you and friend enjoyed your Sunday walk – without rain.  Today was not so bright here, but still no rain.  I suppose the ironing waited for you!

    DIBNLIB – I hope Benson enjoyed his walk – and without rain.

    DIANE – sorry the internet went down and has continued wobbly – glad you are okay.

    We went to church today – Harvest Festival at J’s church and ours.  Our service was quite long and then E-E had to load all the offerings into our car to deliver to the food bank on Tuesday – he normally takes a smaller amount most weeks as we have an ongoing box at church for contributions.  Part of the service was sharing harvest memories, and while I sat waiting for him to be ready to come home, I was sharing some memories with an elderly (well, - I mean older then me!) couple.  We had lunch a bit late and then OH managed to empty a mug of coffee on the dining table and his clothes, so after clearing that up, we are now behind for cooking dinner!

    No cleaners tomorrow (seem to be on some sort of mysterious trip together).  E-E will do some cleaning – hopefully clean the study which hasn’t been done since ???!!!???.  But the car has to go to Carlisle for a Brake service or something – he has a courtesy car booked to get home for most of the day.  This will probably mean I won’t get to use my PC tomorrow.

  • Diane - good to hear that, apart from a power outage, you survived the storm. 
    OG - it sounds like a rather complicated day ahead for you all. I hope it works out. I know just how EE must have felt when he spilt the coffee. Yesterday I managed to spill my glass of orange juice all over the carpet. It’s a horrid feeling because you know you are the only one who can clean it up!! I looked at it briefly and then got stuck into the task. The carpet seems to be none the worse for wear. 
    My friend and I had a very pleasant walk in the dry yesterday and I got the ironing done straight after lunch. 
    It is a horrid rainy dark morning here. At some juncture I will have to go out to bring the bins and the recycling bags and boxes back in. They will be soaked. It is French this afternoon and we have been sent some reading, it is about David Hockney. There are lots of questions at the end of the article but I believe we are going to discuss them during the session. Art is not my thing so I wouldn’t have much to say in English let alone French. However, I will go and support the lady who has prepared it. I am picking up a lady who uses a walker. She can manage to get into my little car and I can get the walker in the back seat. Her usual lift isn’t coming today. 

  • Dibnlib and Annette - I watched The Miracle Club on Netflix - I have the cheapest subscription with advertisements for £4.95 but do check in your area/region.

    Annette - my Dad was also from Cork and had many Irish friends here in England as a lot of the young men came here for work.