Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2024


The equinox is Sunday, 22 September, in the UK and US.

Where I live, we are hoping for the rains to arrive as promised on Sunday. We've had awful drought conditions, with high heat and low humidity (extremely rare for Indiana). Our small-town volunteer fire departments have been stressed to the max with field, forest, grass, and brush fires. The corn and bean fields are crunchy and turning black. Most Indiana counties have declared a state of emergency and put total burn bans in place with high fines.

FedEx delivered my order for all the organization and winter emergency goods I ordered. The big pileated woodpecker squawked at me as I carried the boxes down my long driveway lane. Those woodpeckers don't migrate, so apparently he's going to spend the winter in the woods across from my front door. I welcome his company.

Love and hugs to all.