Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2024


The equinox is Sunday, 22 September, in the UK and US.

Where I live, we are hoping for the rains to arrive as promised on Sunday. We've had awful drought conditions, with high heat and low humidity (extremely rare for Indiana). Our small-town volunteer fire departments have been stressed to the max with field, forest, grass, and brush fires. The corn and bean fields are crunchy and turning black. Most Indiana counties have declared a state of emergency and put total burn bans in place with high fines.

FedEx delivered my order for all the organization and winter emergency goods I ordered. The big pileated woodpecker squawked at me as I carried the boxes down my long driveway lane. Those woodpeckers don't migrate, so apparently he's going to spend the winter in the woods across from my front door. I welcome his company.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Thank you for all the belated wishes. Back to normal today. I went to the market in town and bought a dressed crab!! Just had half of it for lunch!!! What a treat!! 
    AQ - sorry you were frustrated with that form. I hope you can get it sorted. It was indeed lucky that you were there when your OH had his eyes tested. 
    Lindy - my friend has had that RSV vaccination. I have just reached the age of eligibility. I wait to see if I am invited to go for it in the next 12 weeks which is what it says on the doctors website. I do have an appointment in October to have both my flu and Covid jabs at the same time!!!!! 

  • RUSTY  My OH and I have both got October appts for flu and covid jabs at the same time.

  • Sorry I am late this week!  Been rather chaotic.  E-E was extremely sick Sunday evening (food poisoning symptoms ?from church lunch?)  It was very awkward as I am dependent on him for everything and he spent a large part of the time fast asleep in his chair!  So I just sat and waited until he woke before I could go to bed.  J sat with us, similarly waiting.  Haven't heard that anyone else was similarly affected.

    Did some "networking" while at the lunch - have persuaded one of the Rangers who use our church buildings to write reports for the church magazine!  This is my week for finishing the mag, and she sent me an article straight away!  I have actually finished all I had to do - a full one this month - and just printed the master copies for reproduction on church printer - E-E will probably not do it till Saturday morning.

    I cancelled the cleaners Monday due to his sickness, so he will have to do extra cleaning this week - an dthe dreaded ironing.  I think we caught up with general tidying etc on Tuesday, then we went for lunch and shopping today.  Getting disappointed with food on offer - thinking of trying elsewhere for lunches.

    DIANE - thanks for another week.

    RUSTY - very belated Birthday Wishes.

    AQ - sorry about the bureaucracy re OH's NH.  Hope you and daughter can get it sorted soon.

    "Free" day tomorrow, so probably more catching up!

  • OG  So sorry to hear that EE has been poorly.  I hope he is completely better now.

  • I echo dibnlibs sentiments: hope that EE has recovered, OG - it's no fun!! How much of a  nuisance it was for you too, with you having to cancel things. Good that the magazine production has been going smoothly.

    Rusty - Sorry we missed your birthday! Belated good wishes. Glad you were able to celebrate with your friends 

    AQ - You must have been cross to think that they didn't warn you about your OHs eye test. It will make you wonder what else they might omit to tell you.

    I've been OK until today, when I felt very tired again mid morning whilst doing the ironing. I stopped and sat upon the sofa and promptly fell asleep! Annoyed as the iron although safe upon its stand, had been hot for half an hour, wasting electricity!

  • Rant warning::

    My poor OH has been battling on with his waterworks, badly affected by his last "procedure" and getting up 3 or 4 times a night. Its painful, too,  when he goes. He's been stoic about it but has in the last few days gone very quiet and I know he's tired and worried. In the last few weeks his sisters, one of whom lives two streets away and the other about 14 minutes drive in the car, have not visited us even once. Nor have either of our sons rung up to enquire how he's getting on. It breaks my heart as he himself is such a caring man and would do anything for anyone. Several of his friends have rung up or have kept in touch via the golf club so they at least have shown care. Our sons have relied on my ringing them now & then but have barely spoken to their father. Grrr...

  • Lindy - you are obviously feeling very tired and worried. Such a shame that you feel you are on your own. I assume your OH is still waiting for the latest test results? After that, can something be done to help the current situation? I do hope so. 

  • Hello; a calm day at home and definitely some signs of catching up.  Weather is no good for anything outside, although lawn man – also general gardener – came this morning to remove our post and chain “fence” around the front lawns as posts were beginning to rot and one failed completely.  We only asked him Tuesday, so was very quick – weather no good for him to do mowings for people.  We shall leave it open plan for a while and assess dog and child damage before making a decision.

    DIBNLIB – thanks for asking about E-E – he was tired the next day, but his normal self since then – and you know him, no loss of appetite!

    LINDA – sorry your tiredness is so bad – are you due a check-up?  The worry about your OH will be contributing to your health too.  Sorry to hear he is so uncomfortable, and even in pain, since the latest procedure.  I think family members, especially offspring, can be quite unthinking when they are not in personal contact with us.  My friends on this thread know far more about my conditions than do my daughters.  Thinking of you both, with love and prayers.

  • OG - glad that EE is better - no wonder he was so tired. 

    AQ - what a mix up at the nursing home - hope it can be sorted out, maybe it has been, already. I hope so. My son in law's Mum made him laugh on Tuesday. He usually has great difficulty conversing with her as she is really quite demented. Anyway, another resident came into her room while he was there and started rummaging in one of her bedside drawers. His Mum noticed of course and said in a very loud and firm voice ' You can stop that right now!'. He said it was the most rational thing he'd heard her say in quite a while !

    LINDY - your tiredness might well be due to the worry about your OH - no wonder you are both exhausted. I agree that it seems very thoughtless of his sons and sisters. Some folk just don't know how to express their love and concern and go into denial....

    And RUSTY - I'm envious of you eating that lovely crab ! 

  • OG - glad that EE is better - no wonder he was so tired. 

    AQ - what a mix up at the nursing home - hope it can be sorted out, maybe it has been, already. I hope so. My son in law's Mum made him laugh on Tuesday. He usually has great difficulty conversing with her as she is really quite demented. Anyway, another resident came into her room while he was there and started rummaging in one of her bedside drawers. His Mum noticed of course and said in a very loud and firm voice ' You can stop that right now!'. He said it was the most rational thing he'd heard her say in quite a while !

    LINDY - your tiredness might well be due to the worry about your OH - no wonder you are both exhausted. I agree that it seems very thoughtless of his sons and sisters. Some folk just don't know how to express their love and concern and go into denial....

    And RUSTY - I'm envious of you eating that lovely crab !