Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 September 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The moon turns full on Tuesday night (17 September) in the US and early Wednesday morning in the UK. It's a very close supermoon, so it should be beautiful. A partial lunar eclipse will be at maximum right after the moon becomes full.

The autumn equinox is next Sunday, 22 September.

You can find the exact times for the full moon, the eclipse, and the equinox by putting your town or city name in the search box at www.timeanddate.com. It's a safe site.

Hugs and love to everyone!!!

  • HARELADY  Hope you feel better soon.

  • i am never ever going to the dentist again.....i had an emergency appt this morning as I had a bit of toothache.....once again I came home minus a tooth!!

  • Ghast!y, DIBNLIB - hope that it's a back tooth !

    HARELADY, - fingers crossed they do something soon about your irregular heartbeat.

    LINDY - you will be worried about your driving future - I hope that the tinted specs will help.

    AQ - good luck with the trouser hunt !  

  • Dibnlib -ewww. Horrid at the dentists. Couldn’t you have the discussion which I do with my dentist as to whether the tooth can be saved? I have got some back teeth missing and then crowns. I often think these problems are due to the sort of dental treatment which was on offer when we were young. 
    AQ - your mood sounds brighter and it is lovely to hear about you doing things for yourself. So glad you got out to lunch. It will have done you good. 
    Lindy - that’s a worrying development regarding your eyes. I do hope there is some kind of treatment which will at the very least delay things, 

    Harelady - your irregular heartbeat has been going on a long time. I do hope some treatment or medication can be offered soon. Does it make you feel all peculiar when it happens? It must be worrying. 
    “A man” is here and is working hard. He has done 5 little jobs which I couldn’t do but which he with the correct tools and experience had been able to fix easily. He is now putting the first gloss coat on my garage door. It looks so much better. He has also recommended a place I can go where they might be prepared to fix the little bit of rust I have on the door sill of my 16 year old car. So, a really useful day. It the meantime, I have taken down the sweet peas. I had had to empty various cupboards before he came and I have now refilled and reorganised them. 2 things have gone in the charity shop bag because I know I won’t use them. Who uses decanters any more? I don’t recall ever using it to be honest. 

  • M&S food shopping Wednesday went well and we also bought an assortment of things in B&M on the same estate – this was after a good sandwich lunch at the OTB.  Thursday I felt a bit “off” but last night changed my CPAP filter and I think it must have been a bit clogged and restricting my nighttime breathing – woke up better-refreshed today.  Haven’t gone to Tesco as it was only a small list so OH is quicker on his own, and I wanted time on my computer.

    AQ – pleased you got your lunchtime meet-up with friend at last.

    RUSTY – I think our decanters went with the last house move – 20 years ago!  We used to use them for Sherry (one full of sweet for him, other with dry for me) in the days when we had one before Sunday lunch each week!  Entirely different lifestyle then.

  • Harelady:  They should be able to sort out that irregular heartbeat with meds or some device, depending.    Granddaughter just got over Covid; I was at docs with OH yesterday and doc was saying he had all kinds of people with it.  OH has had all the latest shots; I've had Covid and flu and getting the RSV today. 

    AQ:  Hurray for lunch with friend.   You must feel such a sense of freedom....    Niece is on Kangaroo Island with friends for the weekend - looks cold there. 

    dibnlib:  Gosh - a 'biit' of a toothache but no other option to removing tooth?   No root canal, crown or even a filling?

    Rusty:  I have the same dental landscape and agree it's the result of the bad old days of dentistry.  Geez. Fillings with no anasthetic.... don't remind me.  OH and I received a couple of decanters over the years but the wine we drink is too humble for all that.  Think they went to the thrift store....

    Lindybird  I don't like the glare of oncoming cars but it doesn't bother me to that extent.  Yellow lenses?  Interesting. Might be to offset those hideous bright blue/white Xenon lights that are so harsh.  

    Off to conquer the world!

  • OG - so pleased you had a better night after changing your CPAP filter. 
    I have been to town this morning. I took a tin of paint back and got a refund as “the man” didn’t need it. I also bought some saltmarsh lamb leg steaks. Expensive but absolutely gorgeous. I will grill one for tea. The rest are in the freezer along with some of his nice sausages. I think I have said before how much I love going to town on market day. Well today was amazing! I got there at 9.30 and was coming home at 11.30!! I met sooo many people to have long chats to. It was really nice. I am hoping to cut the grass this afternoon. No rain as yet. 

  • RUSTY  I am not a fan of lamb but I have to say the saltmarsh steaks sound good and well worth paying for.        Back to my dental extraction it is the first molar on the top left and not really visible.  The dentist took an X-ray and asked me up to see it.......I knew what she was going to say before she told me that the tooth couldn't be saved.  It had already been filled, goodness knows when and there was decay to gum level.  i have always had problem teeth but do agree with RUSTY and ANNETTE about the dentistry of years gone by.  No wonder people were scared to go to the school dentist when anaesthetic was only used in the case of extraction.  I only got my confidence back when I joined the RAF in 1974 and was treated by the most marvellous caring dentist.  I have a mouthful of crowns and implants.  

  • Town was busy this morning with locals and visitors going to the annual Harbour Festival - we don't go because of lack of disabled access, but I am glad they had a good day for it - a bit cloudy this morning then opened up to blue skies again - really has been a lovely week.  Unfortunate that we had so much to do that we couldn't get on with the garden.  We went to our church's vestry day (or"gift day") which turns into a social occasion, but we didn't stay long as we had planned a cooked lunch.  Tomorrow the Moderator of Scottish Synod is visiting and doing the service - this will end with a "buffet lunch"- with outside caterers - don't know quite what they mean - I always expect canapes, vol au vents etc and then am disappointed with sandwiches!

    I had a long phone conversation with "Genealogy Cousin" (really Dad's cousin aged 88) last evening.  He doesn't use a computer and has given up writing but is still researching the family and wanted to share some details and ask me about others .  It was quite intense and I was very tired afterwards and then my brain was too full to sleep!  After the conversation, I had "caught" the Berkshire accent but I think I am back to my normal today!

    Oh, don't start me on dental history!  I have a mouthful (well, no longer full) of tombstones from over the years, and lots of gaps because I can't tolerate dentures.  I foresee my latter days living on soup and jelly!