Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 September 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The moon turns full on Tuesday night (17 September) in the US and early Wednesday morning in the UK. It's a very close supermoon, so it should be beautiful. A partial lunar eclipse will be at maximum right after the moon becomes full.

The autumn equinox is next Sunday, 22 September.

You can find the exact times for the full moon, the eclipse, and the equinox by putting your town or city name in the search box at www.timeanddate.com. It's a safe site.

Hugs and love to everyone!!!

  • Annette - gas which is used in cookers and hobs not gas (petrol) which you put in cars!!!!!!!!! 

  • ANNETTE – Your Niece’s first plane leg half empty with whole row to herself? That was super fantastic. Probably never to be experienced again. Second leg sounds quite normal. You UpOver people are spoiled with your short legs.

    I have been shopping for more lightweight pull-on pants for OH. I actually found some – it’s quite early for summer clothes but they sell out quickly. I bought three and next time I visit him I hope he will try one on. Then I have to alter leg length or return to store. I shall keep looking as he will need more as NH laundry can’t be expected to wash as often as I did.

    I have been attacking weeds which are now accessible after Lawn Man’s pruning. Alas, the Kikuyu in the lawn has migrated into the garden bed. We did not plant it; it has migrated from other lawns in the street. Kikuyu is from East Africa, highly aggressive & invasive. Unfortunately I did not realize OH was not keeping up with it.

    Fingers crossed that lunch with Friend tomorrow is not cancelled again. I wonder if we shall recognize each other? Last time we met was March.

  • AQ - Hope you manage your lunch this time. Well done on getting your "yarn" so that you can enjoyably settle down to knitting. 

    Heather- I never video call these days  We had to do quite a lot during lockdown days and it was better than nothing, but I was relieved when family stopped requesting it. Awful doing it with children because they seemed to get bored after 2 minutes and wander off!! Much happier with a normal phone call.  Hope your workmen aren't too disruptive and untidy.

    It's warm & dry here so towels are on the line as I pack because my OH wants to go back to Wales for the weekend,   although we can't stay too long as lots of appointments next week.

  • Rusty:  Yes, I got it that you were talking about cooking.  We have natural gas for cooking here too  -  there's talk about mandating that new housing is electric only.   We'll see if that one passes!  I much prefer gas myself.

    AQ:  Short legs indeed!!  I'm 5''9" and currently on the point of being overtaken by my 13-year-old great-granddaughter.  :-)

  • Optician's appointment was mixed: good news was that my cataracts are not much worse - Bad news is that my corneas are 'crumbling' and confirming what I've been told before-- if they try to operate on the cataracts,  the corneas might collapse. Ho hum.

    Other good news was that I am still legal to drive. I said that I find it difficult and she said that's because I can't tolerate glare. She recommended yellow tinted glasses for driving, so now 2 new pairs on order (more expense!).  Suppose I'll just have to literally "travel hopefully" and keep going.

  • LINDY  So sorry to hear about the eye problem. 

  • Bad news is that my corneas are 'crumbling'

    Oh Lindy am so so sorry, I do hope they are attempting to limit the damage, with treatment , drops etc.lots of Hugs and Prayers to assist you.

    Also Prayers for all others,  and AQ you doing marvellous, well done my lovely


  • Good morning from a humid Suffolk. As usual I have been reading all your posts.

    Like Heather, Pat & Rusty I am a "thru the night" listener to Radio4/World Service and yes the programmes do get repeated often.

    I have been having various hospital tests for my irregular heartbeat and am waiting for the reeults. On top of this the last week I had what I thought was a bad cold but daugter told me to do a covid test and it came up positive straight away. Apparently there is a new varient doing the rounds. As far as I know this is the first time I have had it.

    AQ - glad your OH seems more settled and to everyone else - have a good weekend and keep safe.

  • Thank you KATE & HARELADY.

    Lunch with Friend, it happened!!! We had Hawaiian toasties (ham, cheese & pineapple) with coffee, chattered for 2 hours (as one cannot on the phone LOL). After a short nanny nap, I attacked more weeds and planted a fresh batch of rocket (for my leafy greens intake). Sometime very soon I must visit garden centre for my tomato plant. I think one plant should produce enough fruit for moi. I still have 3 packs (for cooking) in freezer from last season’s crop – they should last until new fruit appears, about New Year here. Weeds were damp with all-day showers and the soil was middy. Ah well, defers having to water the garden.