Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 September 2024


Not much to report here. Temps could fall to freezing tonight, but it's supposed to get hot again next week.

I've decided that my mood will improve if I simplify and organize my life. So I've ordered 4 large plastic file boxes and 8 super large plastic storage boxes. I'm going to devote the week to sorting all of my personal documents and belongings. 

I also ordered a new tough polar winter coat, new waterproof, heavy tred hiking boots, gloves, and polar house slippers. The weather service is predicting that this will be a polar vortex winter here with extreme cold and heavy snow. I also ordered 2 large boxes of batteries and other emergency supplies. 

I bought a nifty little unit that has a built in radio, a flashlight, a reading lamp, an emergency beacon, and a phone charger. It runs on internal rechargeable batteries or regular AA batteries. It also has a solar panel and a crank for charging in an emergency.

I bought everything at sharply cut, clearance prices because none of the stores have the new winter inventory in yet. I felt better getting organized and prepared and beating the higher prices that will come as the season changes. The delivery man will hate me!!!

Everybody have a good week. Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Diane:  You are providing the delivery man with job security!  Smart to get all your ducks in a row for the winter.  Not sure what they're forecasting for us - they say it will be a La Nina year (dry).  I wouldn't mind some rain, although the last two winters  have been extremely wet.  As it is 'they' are on about the awful heatwave in SoCal.  The national media has been going on about it for days.  It has been hot, but the highest was 95 (for two days) and not the 100+ they said we'd get here on the coast.  The NYT had an article about our heatwave and multiple readers from this area commented that the writer obviously didn't know the area very well.   We always get unseasonably hot spells in Sept/Oct - it has traditionally been the fire season, which became year-round after years of drought.  Not as bad this year in our area but of course there's still time.

    I've been reading posts but somehow the energy/opportunity to respond more fully has been scarce.

    My granddaughter, who applied for several jobs when she first came, hadn't heard from anyone for a few months. Just last week, one (our local hospital) of the three employers she sent applications to finally followed up and has now offered a position, which she's accepted.  Then early this week she got a call from another prospective employer  - and just today was contacted by someone from yet another organization she really wants to work for.  Trouble is the hiring process for the latter two agencies takes forever, but at least she'll be working while they make up their minds.  But isn't t always the way that you don't hear anything  for months and then it all happens within a week!

    Anyway, please forgive lack of individual responses.  Take care all!

  • Thank you Diane for once again starting the week. It seems a very good plan to get supplies in for the extreme (to us in the UK) climate you experience in your part of the world. Good that you managed to get reduced prices. We all like bargains! I hope it helps to improve your life and wellbeing.

    Annette, that is so typical. You wait ages for a bus and then two (or three) come along at once. Good news for your granddaughter. I hope she eventually gets the job she would really like.

    I agree with you about the energy/ opportunity to respond to posts.

  • I am back from my little trip to Scotland. As you can imagine there is lots to do today so I will do a report hopefully tomorrow. 
    Thank you Diane for starting us off. I don’t think I would like the prospect of freezing temperatures and having to buy special things to help me cope with them. You sound to have made some good decisions though and got some bargains too. 
    Annette - as Rosy says - it’s typical that all those job offers came in a rush. It’s a shame she accepted one before the one she really wanted was offered. Tricky situation isn’t it? 

  • Rusty  Glad you had a good time and hope the weather was kind  Yes, sort of tricky but since the other two jobs (including the one she really wants) won't be actually starting people for 3-6 months AFTER they've passed the tests (both this month) she's taking the one offered in the meantime.  Young people are much more mobile in their careers than we were in ours.  

  • DIANE - Thank you for starting our new week. Well done on preparing for the winter but I hope the weather will not live up to the predictions.

    I visited OH this morn; he had been taken to the Bingo room. Oh how boring, how mind-numbing. I felt myself going ga ga just sitting with him. So sad to see that brain that once created websites, understood electronic stuff, etc, now reduced to putting (or not) counters on numbers. Next time I shall make sure I have my knitting just in case! Actually it is good the staff are involving him in activities, after lunch there was to be a walk in the sunshine.

  • AQ - My heart goes out to you as you watch your OH deteriorating.  So very sad.  And we hear about it all too often these days.  Where I live we have several people who are becoming unable to live alone (which most of our residents do) and it's very sad to see.  I'm only grateful - and I'm sure you are as well - that your OH is in a place where he's being cared for and stimulated as much as his brain can cope with at this stage in his life.

  • I'm still here: and have been reading the posts - just no time to write. On Saturday I sat down at the desktop and the Site wouldn't let me sign in!! Then, of course, I promised myself I would write later on my mobile phone but got taken up with events. Now I've redone my password on this Site and hopefully I can use the desktop again to post.

    AQ - How very sad for you. He is really deteriorating and it often happens when they are in a new environment, I think: their brain can't cope with major changes. BIG HUGS to you from over here Upover. I know you can be strong. Look after yourself and let your daughters take some of the strain.

  • Thank you DIANE for starting us off. I'm glad that you are ready for whatever the weather can throw at you :-)

    I'm rather preoccupied at present with the on going boiler problems - suffice to say that I'm seriously thinking of replacing it. A man is coming tomorrow to look at it and give me a price. 

    Others have bigger concerns - thinking about AQ and Rosy. And all who are struggling one way or another.

  • I am so sorry AQ. It is very hard for you. It is good that you now do not have to manage the responsibility all on your own. I have some idea of how you must feel.

    Pat gave wise words about your OH being stimulated as much as he can cope with now.

  • Good afternoon all from a gloomy Suffolk. Thankfully we have had some lovely sunny and very warm weather over the last week.

    Diane  - well done on getting prepared for what sounds like a cold winter. I wonder how your critters will cope.

    AQ - This is a time of great adjustment for you and your husband and daughters so take things slowly and know that whenever things get tough we are all here for you to unload or rant.

    Annette - Ive just been reading about more wildfires - I hope they are miles away from you.

    Heather - sympathies with the boiler - I have similar but with my car as it may need a new clutch or worse a new gearbox. I keep saying I will sell the car as I don't like driving much anymore and don't drive in the dark anymore but I keep having to do Nanny duty for son and daughter and both are a 3 hour drive away.

    I have had my ex-Sister-in-Law staying for 5 days and we have been able to get out and about without coats. She is enjoying a few years remission from Lymphoma and other cancers and had been very ill for a few years so she is making the most of it.

    I have a few weeks with not much going on until friends visit from Essex on 20th.

    To everyone else who has posted - I do so enjoy reading all about your news and travels.

    Have a good week all and take care.