Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 September 2024


The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday in the UK/US. It's also Labor Day in the US. That's the unofficial first day of autumn here.

I have no wildlife stories or personal news to impart. I spent the past week sitting on my bed and perspiring. We broke our daily records for high heat and humidity, and I accomplished nothing except watching the corn sweat.

Yes, corn "sweats". When the temps and humidity are this high, the corn takes in and releases water to keep itself cool. A single stalk of corn can release over 4 cups of water per day. An acre of corn can release 4,000 gallons of water in a day. My area has massive corn farms. They all had dense fog full of moisture hanging over the fields. The scene looked apocalyptic.

The poor wildlife were miserable.

I am making a To-Do list for next week, because we are supposed to cool down, and I'll be able to move and breathe. :-)

Everyone have a good week. Hugs and love to you all.

  • Llindybird:  Sounds like a lovely birthday what with unexpected flowers and a good meal out.  Your OH sounds like he's doing well?

    Rusty:  Argh.  England; Wales.  Your photo reminded me of the countryside around my BiL's house in Lincolnshire.

    Heather:  I didn't connect your broken shoulder with the Dane's visit last year.  And yes, no repeat performance please!  :-))

  • OG -- We chat to our neighbours when we can -- sometimes we are all so busy coming and going, it's barely a quick wave. And of course, everyone has a different routine as some just pop over for a weekend as have to return to work on Mondays, but some come to go fishing, or canoeing, or walking great distances. This particular neighbour has now retired, so is here for a month (!) He had a friend staying and on Friday they said "You've picked a good couple of days to be here, with this forecast!" - I laughed and said I'd booked good weather as it was my birthday tomorrow ..... On Saturday they went shopping then turned up later on our doorstep with a huge bunch of pink roses! 

    My poor OH looked embarrassed as he's not bought me any, but he did buy me a present of some earrings which I wore last night. The black cattle here are supposed to be special and when we've bought any of the beef, it's certainly been tasty and tender. My OH ordered the lamb dish on my recommendation as I've had it in the past and he certainly wasn't disappointed.

  • Lindy - that sounds like a very nice community you have at your caravan. Have you got this misty murky weather this morning?

    Just to say I will be away from tomorrow til Sunday. My friend and I are going on a short coach tour up to Loch Lomond. The itinerary sounds good. It’s not a birding holiday. I will report when I get back. I hope everyone has a good week. 

  • Rusty - Have a lovely trip.  Hopefully the midge will have gone!!!

    We have the murk here this morning, and the forecast for the rest of the day isn't brilliant.  Oh wekk, now we're in September 'they' will be telling us it's autumn so what do we expect?!?!?

  • Have a great time, RUSTY !

    And PAT -

    There is a song about midges - the chorus includes ' with teeth like piranhas, they drive you bananas ' Maybe you've heard it?

  • Heather - I haven't heard the song, but it's very true!  I remember a friend of mine on Mull who had made an Aussie-style hat with corks hanging around it, and netting to cover his face, and that was just to take the dog for a walk!!!  And I also remember playing golf very late one evening on Arran and working our way through clouds of midge.  Horrible!!!  There was a programme on television recently about researching midges - I watched it and spent the whole time scratching!!!

  • Well, now you are all making me worry about the midges!!! I do have a face net which I used in Finland so I will take it with me! I have packed sun cream and insect repellent!!! 

  • A very amusing rendition of the song ... with subtitles



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