Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 August 2024


I don't have any wildlife stories this week. It stormed every day here. Hot and humid and torrential rain. I was exhausted after my dog-sitting. One of the dogs is 18 years old. She wouldn't sleep at night. She got out of her bed every hour, went to the kitchen, and barked and barked...

So, I have slept in front of the fan most of the week and followed the news/politics. I intend to come on this site tomorrow and make replies. Sorry I haven't been very functional.

Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all!!!

  • Rusty - Sounds delicious.  Wish I lived closer ...

  • As PAT says, RUSTY, it sounds delicious !

    ANNETTE- that is one squirrel with intentions - sorry about the flower pot, though. Hope you have finished the paper shredding - does your OH actually realise how much paper he is wasting?

    RUSTY - the meal sounds lovely, now I want my breakfast !

    OG - from what you have said in the past, J likes his food - I wonder what is wrong with his hand? Glad it didn't stop him enjoying the fry up 

    AQ - by now your OH should be in his interim placement. I do hope that he settled in OK.

    LINDY - fingers crossed you get fair weather this weekend - 

    My youngest daughter and her OH arrived here yesterday - he is just back onshore. The weather was a bit iffy in the North Sea and there was some question about the helicopter flying. However, all was OK. After they had helped me with a few jobs we drove out to my middle daughter's new rental house. First time that I've seen it. She and Amy are delighted with it and hope that they can stay there for a long time. Then we went  past my dentists surgery to check out the parking - I have a long overdue appointment next week. I suspect that it will result in my bank balance taking a big hit :-{

    My grandson Sam has been accepted for the Royal Navy to train in aviation engineering. Granddaughter Mia is off to university next month. So, five grandchildren out in the world - only three to go !

  • Annette - just reading reports of a mag 5.2 earthquake and smaller ones still happening - I do hope that you are all ok and stay safe.

  • I hope ANNETTE is okay, too. From what I can tell, she's on the edge of that earthquake activity zone. Although she may have felt the main quake, I don't think it would have caused injury or severe damage. However. I couldn't get a definitive answer when I checked the USGS website. Hope all's well, A.

  • DENTISTS and VETS are very bad news for the wallet.  Really pleased your daughter and Amy are happy in their new home.  Something to rant about.....sorry......my brother admitted he gambled all my Mums money away on 1st Feb 2020, he was charged with the embezzlement of £425k on 28th June 28 2021.  I called the Fiscals office today and there is still no date for a trial!!!!  We have an idea it will be before July next year as we have been asked for dates we will not be able to attend as witnesses and I do know covid caused problems but...... oh my goodness.

  • DIBNLIB - I recall you telling us about this at the time - no wonder you are so frustrated with the delay in getting the case to Court . I think that your Mum was still alive when he did this ? Sending hugs. 

  • Morning all:

    Heather:  I don't think OH sees his reckless (haha) copying as waste.  I think it makes him feel more secure to know that if the electronic world crashes, he has the hard copies!   :-)   Good grief!  Mia off to university already?  And good for Sam.  Yikes. Time flies and then some....     I remember a few years back you had a daughter who'd just moved into a new home, was having a terrrible time with her new neighbors and was looking for a new home - this wasn't Mia's Mom was it?  And if not, did that daughter ever find another place to live?  Is it me or are you getting out and about more?

    Diane/Harelady: A smallish quake in a rural area some miles northeast of us, but because of the geology it was felt even down in Los Angeles.  I have the MyShake app on my phone and the alert went off about 5 seconds before we felt it.  Like an idiot, I sat there and thought 'What earthquake?' We're supposed to follow the instructions on the Alert, which are to Drop, Cover and Hold (not sit and ask stupid questions).   :-)

    dibnlib:  Oh heavens - I forgot all about that court case with your bro.  Where is he now?   And how frustrating that it's dragging on for so long, though I suspect you won't see any of that long-gone $425K.

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE  - it was my middle daughter who had the dreadful neighbours and the landlord wasn't that great. She stuck it out until recently and using the same letting agents managed to get this house. It's a small two bedroom property on the outskirts of town. It's just her and daughter Amy - her son has flown the nest.

  • Thanks HEATHER  my brother had somehow persuaded my Mum to give him sole power of attorney and this was without discussion with me.  He did live just a short hop away from Mum whereas I was 160 miles away but I do think he knew what he wanted to do and coerced her when she was suffering from dementia.  i would just like him to plead guilty without it having to go to trial.  The police have told us the evidence is irrefutable.

  • ANNETTE  No the money has all disappeared into the coffers of the gambling fraternity never to be seen again.  As far as I know my brother is still living in the same house that my Mum helped finance. If I was officially the main loser It might be possible to order him to sell the house and divide the proceeds between all those in Mums will but of course it was really Mum who lost the money.  What really hurts besides the fact that I did not inherit a life changing sum of money is the fact that there were 11 charities who did not get the money she wished them to have.