Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2024


I just walked through the door, back from dog-sitting for friends in Indianapolis. Except for cuddling the dogs, it was an awful time in every possible way. I don't think I'm going to do it again. Probably won't be asked. My friend and I had a bad argument on the way home. I will do you all a favor and not detail my 5 days for you. 

No wildlife stories from me this week, except that there were also raccoons in the attic there.

I will now read and catch up with all your news. Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all.

  • Rusty:  Yes, I definitely work on a reward scheme:  typically a glass of wine come dinner time and then a tiny chocolate ice cream treat (either a bonbon or two or mini-chocolate cone from Trader Joes) after dinner.  

  • Yes, I work on the reward system as well.  When I have done whatever, I can have a coffee, or some ice cream.  Mind you, it rarely works ,,, although I still don't get the 'treat', whatever it was that was top of the priority list is almost always overtaken by something more important.  So the important stuff, which let's face it is usually less interesting, gets pushed back.  Like right this minute - I have promised something by 'end of the day' today.  And here we are, 4.00pm and it's still not done ... NOW, Pat!!

  • I like these reward schemes. The problem is that I think I deserve one every day( I have a good imagination)! A glass of rose goes down well most days.

    My G'daughter has just finished deadheading my sweet peas. She has shown no previous interest in gardening chores, but she has taken in upon herself to keep the sweet peas in order. I tell her I greatly appreciate her help, which I do. Then she removed all the dead leaves from the scented leaf geraniums. They now look immaculate.

  • Heather and others - thanks for your positive advice about my OH's fear of falling again.

  • Rosy:  You DO deserve one every day!  How old is your granddaughter.  

  • UNNYKATE - I am getting on fine with my new cleaning mop - Thank you again for the recommendation.

    Pleased to assist, and am sure ,like me it will truly help you,also giving a bit more ,safe independence, and don't forget Amazon do the replacement heads .