Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 July 2024


The full moon is Sunday morning in the UK and the US. 

Three of the raccoons are growing huge like their mother. The little one is only half the size of his siblings. I wonder if he's healthy.

I'm leaving on Tuesday to spend a few days dog-sitting for my friends in Indianapolis. This has been a bad summer for several personal reasons, and I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. My friends have all the streaming channels. I'm going to watch TV, treat myself to pizza and key lime pie, and cuddle the 5 dogs. 

Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all!

  • Heather I know what you mean, being restricted on bending down, as you say the grabbers are amazing.

    I found /bought this telescopic Bathroom cleaner on Amazon,

    but also see it several other places, and the good thing is you can buy replacement cleaning heads when needed,

    Hope it maybe helpful.



  • Thank you, SUNNYKATE - I looked straight away after reading your post. I will order one from Amazon, I have Prime so can get it tomorrow !!

  • Sonding positive HEATHER.  OG  Hope you enjoy your family get together,

  • Heather:  You're not bending down - is that related to your blood pressure?  Or?

    Haven't heard from AQ for a few days....

  • ANNETTE - Yes, I've got Postural Hypotension :-(  The culprit for several faints etc over the past few years.... I suppose I'm lucky in that only ( !) twice has it resulted in fractures. Can't risk any more of those - I discovered a Do Not Resuscitate form in my discharge paperwork.

  • I'm reading posts. No time to reply.

  • Hi AQ...whatever do you mean  "No time" doh!! Bless you, as always Prayers and BIG Hugs coming your way.

    Keep Strong and do try and snatch a rest when you can.

    Reminded me of looking after Two year olds,.....' grab a Nap when they are safe.'

    Heather... hope the kit will help, i find it invaluable , for floors as well as shower tray etc, also dust up high...and replacement heads were so cheap on Amazon.

    Good Morning everyone else, I have just come indoors from cutting down a collapsed Hydrangea, for the Bin Collection today, as Bin, empty, too wet for Grass cutting. 


  • Quick replies re a couple of days.  No further family conference, LINDA – if Dau#2 doesn’t want to be part of our discussions she can “go boil her heid”.

    RUSTY – that does indeed sound a very stressful walk with the old man – maybe he won’t try to do that one next year!  Difficult to enjoy the flora and fauna with that kind of company!

    DIBNLIB – visit went well yesterday.  We ate both meals at home – just simple family food.  SiL did a good job in the garden, and OH was working on something nearby so there was a lot of discussion!  Dau helped J fill in a big form in connection with fitness for work (or, in his case, not).  He has gone to post it this afternoon and is also fetching prescription meds from pharmacy for himself and me.  I had a quiet day reading with occasional inspections of the garden work.

    Thinking back to Tuesday, fitters came to hang new blinds in lounge, did local shopping and can’t remember what else – just remember it was busy.  Today quite normal domestic tasks – wish E-E would give more priority to washing up – I hate piles of stuff hanging about.

    Our Wednesday shopping and lunch for three was postponed and will be Friday – just noticed that is tomorrow, so another week gone!

  • Hope everyone is doing something interesting, restful or othewise engaging.   I've been working in the garden, busy with family....

  • ANNETTE – Not sure if this is interesting, restful or engaging, but at last I am replying!

    I hope DIANE is enjoying her doggy holiday,

    LINDA – Thank you for your quote about light/darkness.

    RUSTY – Your old guy was so lucky a caring You was there for him on your outing. Too bad you missed your “Me Day”.

    HEATHER – You must learn to slow down and let things lie (whenever possible). (Says she with a cluttered grubby house LOL)

    SUNNYKATE – Frequent naps here, especially during TV programs. I was excited to see “Vera” listed tonight, then I noticed the “R”. I guess I have seen it so it won’t matter if I nap.

    OG - I hope you have a great Friday lunch.

    I am visiting OH 2-3 times a week. Very difficult to dry his washing in this cold damp weather. Bleah to him being changed from day to night clothes each day & evening. . . nurses discard virtually clean clothes. I went on strike today and went shopping for myself, some much needed winter clothes. Ha Ha Ha almost too late, end of season sales finished, almost no choice in any size. At least I found buttons for OH’s new cardigan which is waiting for me to finish sewing pieces together. OH has had his assessment and deemed needing “Respite with a view to permanent care”, ie nursing home. Next step to find one with a vacancy for “wanderers”. Dau#1 partly recovered and back teaching. Term 3 began this week. Too wet to weed, instead I have attacked an overgrown shrub, so our green bin is almost filled a week early. Nephew whom I have hardly seen for years, dropped in yesterday when lounge room was cluttered with drying clothes on 2 airers and the vacuum cleaner. He offered to help with anything and I could only think of the faulty light globe. Oh to be so tall!

    We are supposed to set our alarms for 3.55 am (our time) to watch the Olympics opening ceremony. Methinks the replay will do.