Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The big female raccoon I told you about has 4 half-grown offspring. They don't seem to have any fear of me, and I'm trying to avoid them so I don't habituate them to humans.

I don't have any other wildlife stories. I've been indoors most of the week. The remnants of Hurricane Beryl hit Indiana with thunderstorms, flooding, and tornadoes. I'm fine, but it's been an ugly week.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Pat - you chose a very famous hole to get a hole in one on!!!!! How memorable is that? Congratulations. 
    Harelady - that sounds like a lovely birthday treat for your sister. What a lovely idea and it sounds like a super hotel. The break will have done her good.

    Apart from a quick trip to town for groceries, I have just watched the golf today!! It looks very difficult in such a strong wind. It is warm and sunny here for once. I am not going to do watering thought as, guess what? Rain is forecast for tomorrow!!! 

  • HARELADY  How good that your Sister had relatives to keep an eye on her husband and enable her to have a wee break.

  • Another dry day – warm rather than hot and not a lot of sunshine.

    RUSTY – the lamb dinner turned out really tasty!

    AQ – glad your OH was having a better day when you visited, although I guess that makes it harder to leave.  I hadn’t realised your Dau#1 had been ill, but glad she will be able to help more now.

    PAT – my only memory of Troon (not a golfer) is when we were booked in for a conference stay and the so-called accessible room was not accessible.  We left, got a refund. Went for a lovely meal overlooking the marina and drove home that evening!

    HARELADY – glad you liked Oxford – my old stomping ground when I was a schoolgirl!  We went back there once in more recent times – still a magical place.

    A mixture today.  J had his rearranged routine blood test – hoping it was long enough after ABs not to skew the result.  Our hairdresser came early afternoon.  She asked me to explain the global IT outage in words she could understand.  ME!  I sat there with my jaw dropped then said a few things which she was happy with as an answer!  This afternoon we went to local supermarkets – found everything on the list and had no trouble at the automatic till.  More high-jinks in town tomorrow as History Town Festival continues, but we are not planning to join in.  Would prefer to be seeing progress in the garden.  We want to remove some old trellis and take to the tip before the refuse strikes start!

  • Another dinner!  Oh, dear!  He was making honey glazed chicken - he used best quality Heather Honey - it was disgusting- especially as he also used too much lemon juice - yukk.  I had to kill the taste with mouthwash!  Couldn't eat the chicken - and because it wasn't cooked to proper sticky glaze consistencey, it spoiled the lovely vegetales too!  I keep being told I need to lower my expectations - but I don't think I have any expectations left now!!

  • Good morning.  Nobody about overnight or this morning!  We are turning the day upside down as morning forecast looks better than later.  I am starting with work for church magazine, but OH has already started outside.  I shall join him after coffee for as long as possible.

  • OG - hope you got to sit outside for coffee. So sorry your honey glazed chicken didn’t work out. I have a recipe for that. Not with lemon but with orange. Last week I made a batch and froze it in individual portions. Later, I opened the microwave and discovered the honey I had melted (I don’t have a jar of runny honey) So, my 3 frozen portions of honey glazed chicken have no honey!!! I am hoping that when I come to heat them up, I can stir some honey onto them for part of the cooking. You can imagine that I was not happy as it is one of my favourite recipes!!!

    This morning I have done various jobs around the house and hope to settle down to watch the golf after lunch. 

  • RUSTY and PAT  I remember going to watch the final day at The Open in Troon in 1989.  The weather was spectacular and there was a heat haze over the water, so much so that neither Ailsa Craig or Arran were visible.  It was a great day and finished with a 3 way play off which Mark Calcavechia won.  OH was lucky enough to be a marshall at the 16th hole.