WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 7 2024

Hallo all.  Happy New Week.

  • Aw, dibib: very sorry for you as its no fun at all having such invasive dental work. :-(

  • AQ -- Your OH might forget about you two minutes after you've left. We saw some of the cycling when at our sons, as he is a keen cyclist himself and also watches all the racing if he can.

    Sunny here this afternoon, which was a shock! 

  • Back at last – life is a bit smoother now – apart from one of our cleaners having arrived home from Mexico holiday with covid and the other one having visited her!

    J is doing well now – none of the stronger pain killer in the last three days.  The first four doctors all suggested either a stone or some other obstruction in a salivary duct – rather scary with his history of cancers.  Finally saw the ENT consultant last Tuesday (all spent the day at the hospital – horrendous).  He ordered an ultrasound scan which showed there was no obstruction of any kind but just serious infection.  He prescribed two different anti-biotics concurrently for seven days – they will finish this Wednesday.  He was quite confused with all the medications, alongside his usual stuff, but accepted that we would monitor them for safety.

    The three of us all went to church together yesterday, at E-E and my usual church (I was leading prayers) so that J would not risk having to walk home alone if his usual lift was absent.  It was a Communion service, so was rather special to share that together.  His birthday the weekend before was of course very low-key, but he was able to enjoy visit of his Sister#1 and B-i-L.

    It looks as if the three of us will have the Wednesday out this week, including lunch.  It is good to have J eating again and we are just about back to normal menus.

    I will now try to get back to regular posting – and will try to include replies from now on.  In haste, well done DIBNLIB for enduring the dentistry, and I shall be praying for LINDA’s OH on Wednesday.  Good to hear from CLARE recently, and also LYNETTE.  Sorry to read about AQ’s increased problems – glad a solution has been decided – do take care of yourself.

  • OG  so pleased to hear that J is much improved, what a relief for you all.

  • My thoughts and prayers to  all of you  that post on this thread that are  suffering.

    Diane:  I am really concerned about the  situation in Indiana. How are you with the heat and related problems that come  with it. ?  How on earth is the wildlife coping . ? My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you too.

  • OG lovely to hear that J is now doing a lot better and that hopefully the infection will clear up.

    Went to church this week as well , we had a previous minister with us and it was good to see him.  He is now retired through ill health but goes around local churches filling in where nescessary. He took our monthly communion and we accepted 3 people into membership.  Very uplifting with his sermon.

    Enjoy your day out tomorrow.

    Lindy - love your garden

    Quite dull here.   At least they've now finished putting in the cable for broadband only.   I decided to ditch the main phone although it is now available on digital service at £5 a call if needed. Will use my mobile instead as I was so sick of getting nusiance calls.   Just waiting for a visit from the engineer to set me up now.

  • Well, it’s not a summer's evening here that’s for sure. It is dark, cold and rainy!!! However, undeterred, 14 members of my Flora and Fauna group went out for our walk to see the only little tern colony in Wales this morning. We started off in heavy drizzle but, mercifully, after an hour it stopped and we were able to sit on the beach and eat our picnics. It wasn’t cold. The terns seem to be doing pretty well. The predator fence is keeping the foxes out but the crows have been taking the eggs. Nevertheless, the warden told us that nearly 200 chicks have hatched with more to come.

    OG - I was pleased to read that J is feeling better and that you were all able to get to church on Sunday.

    Lindy - sending best wishes for your OH’s procedure tomorrow. Fingers and toes are crossed. I wonder how long he will have to wait for the results. 
    Lynette - it was good to hear from you. You sound to have been very busy. 

  • Thank you everyone. We're off for an early bed & looking forward if anything to this time tomorrow! It's been a long haul.

  • Lindybird:  We'll be looking for an update when you feel like it.   Hope all goes well.

    OG: Fingers crossed the calming trend continues!  We miss you when you're otherwise occupied.

    Lynette:  I'm not a regular churchgoer - really only go when Ms. D is staying over - but the former priest at their old church in Arizona used to give really intelliigent sermons; not really sermons but he always talked about everyday problems that can come up with family members/friends/colleagues etc.  and how they might be handled. So down to earth.  The church they go to here has a priest who has a very strong Indian accent and I have a hard time understanding anything he's saying; not only that, he sort of goes offf on tangents so it get's rather obscure.   The kids, however, say he's much better than another priest they had who was also from India and don't seem to have any problems.  Oh well.

    Rusty:  I doubt a hurricane would keep you and your birding buddies from heading out for the day.  :-)

    The Lake fire north of us is still too far away to cause any concern (it's in the back country), but we are beginning to get the ash.  Grandson has been with the fire crews at the Mariposa fire near Yosemite, but thinks he may be sent down here the end of the week to help with this one.  

    Take care everyone.