WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 7 2024

Hallo all.  Happy New Week.

  • Hello Annette - may I post something a little light-hearted here?

    Feel free to delete if it's not appropriate..

  • Second attempt at this post – it never showed up at the bottom!


    LINDA – what a horrid day for you on Wednesday – and still the news is no news.  Sorry you are waiting yet again – this time for biopsy results, so I suppose you are one step forward.

    We had a catching up day today – online orders, making appointments, paying bills etc.  All small stuff, but takes up a lot of time.  One disappointment – well, actually made me very angry.  Independent Optician had written to say I was due examination, so I phoned to arrange my home visit.  “Oh, we don’t do that any more – it was too time-consuming”.  They suggested I go to one of the commercial groups.  Had been a “valued customer” for twenty years!  Huh!

  • LINDY  So sorry to hear you have both had such a tough day.

  • Lindy - thank you for taking the time to let us know what happened at the hospital. What bad luck that your OH was last to be seen. It must have been awful for him to sit and wait all that time. Now more waiting for the biopsy results. I hope they don’t take too long. You just need to know. Then that horrid scary drive home. I bet you are both really tired today.

    Well, the weather here has been disgusting all day. Damp, grey and cold. Not July weather at all. A friend came round this afternoon so that I could give her a bit of a tutorial on her iPad. We sorted 2 or 3 things out. In a couple of weeks we will do a few more things. We did have a good chat too in amongst! 

  • LIndybird;  What revolting turn of events (can't remember which comedian used to say that) and even worse that he had to sit around all day!  That alone could raise your blood pressure.  Amazing they couldn't arrrange things more efficiently.  I hope you had a nice glass of something when you finally got home  Still, more waiting to come by the sounds of it. 

    Geemef:  Ha!  Nice to know the grass court can still support life.  :-)   (Lighthearted is always good.)

    OG:  Seems these days we're all valued customers until we ask for some actual service.

    Heather:  Are you planning a trip upstairs some time (just to make sure it's still there)  :-)  

    Harelady:  Don't know if I mentioned it but years back there was a book called The 36-Hour Day about the pressure on relatives with a chronically ill spouse (in the book, the focus was on Alzheimerrs).

    England got a lucky last-minute goal in its match with the Netherlands, so I'll be glued to the TV Saturday morning at 10 our time.  Then there's Wimbledon too.   

    AQ:  Are you watchin the Tour de France - I know you love the scenery. 

  • I love pied wagtails!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    I dropped him off as requested & went home to wait. And wait. He finally contacted me after lunch to say "still waiting for my turn" - he told me later that there were ten of them in the waiting area, and he was the unlucky one who went in last-- at 5.30pm.

    That's shocking.  Why did he have to spend such a long time at the hospital?  Absolutely ridiculous.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks for everyone's concern. It was indeed, as said "a horrid day".  My poor OH is still tired as he can't get much sleep. Good news is he is not hardly passing any blood now (sorry for Too Much Information but no other way to describe it) and the surgeon (a very efficient looking lady) told him that they had cauterised the weak blood vessels which may be the cause. So he's been told to drink lots of water to flush himself out.

    We certainly did need a stiff drink when we got home but he should not, so he only had water. I had a sherry last night, too, and enjoyed it. 

    He said something to the Nursing Sister about his long wait- she remarked that she was puzzled as to why he was kept waiting the longest as at aged 80, he was one of the oldest there <sigh> He did bask in the admiration of several nurses, though, who commented on his fine head of hair! He has plenty although its steely grey. Luckily he took a long book & his reading glasses or I think the wait might have driven him crazy!

  • LINDY  Very necessary to take books to appointments, so glad your OH had something to keep himself occupied.  We have just enjoyed the 1st mens semi final and very much looking forward to the ladies final tomorrow.  We have just had over 5 weeks of waiting for the result of my OHs 2nd CT scan on his pancreas.  The result finally arrived this morning and we were so very pleased to hear that there was no change and he does not need another for  2 years.  This week we have also had concerns over Benson.  He had bloods take last week and  because one of the counts was pretty high they wanted him back for an inspection of his throat and some X-rays.  This was done yesterday and I am pleased to say that nothing sinister was found........relief all round.

  • Thanks LINDY for the news ! Also DIBNLIB - you must feel very relieved...

    I'll attempt a catchup tomorrow - youngest family were here today.