Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

The red Northern Cardinals on my patch have chicks! I'm listening to them chirping, demanding food as I type.

My thoughts are with AQ, LINDY, and OG/Eagle-Eye tonight.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • AQ - I have been thinking about you a lot. You are going through such a difficult time. You must be tired and emotional. I am sure you will have the support of the family to ensure that the best decision for all is made. My sister’s mother in law was in a care home once her dementia got too bad and she was always talking about catching the bus to the station and getting the train to London where she had lived for most of her life. However, she very quickly forgot about it if that is any comfort to you. 
    Lindy - glad you got some gardening done. I did grocery shopping this morning and visited a friend who hasn’t  been too well this afternoon.

    Tomorrow is Lady Captains Day at the golf club. Fortunately, my tee time will mean that I can come home and watch the England game and still have time to go back for the presentation. I don’t expect to win anything but it is the done thing to do on such an occasion - win or lose. 

  • RUSTY – Thank you, I do hope OH’s decreasing brain function results in him settling. That does sound unkind, but......

    Yesterday I put OH’s new folding camping chair on back verandah and dozed in sun. I only bought it last week and he used it twice.

    Call me a cynical old lady. When new brooms declare “change”, I’ve seen it not happen so many times <sigh>
    BTW In Aussieland, voting for federal & state elections is compulsory for eligible voters. This was introduced in 1920s when voter turnout decreased to less than 60%. Only the third tier, local councils, is it optional.

  • AQ; Don't think anyone on here would accuse you  of being unkind.....  When was the last time you dozed in the sun I wonder...     What's the penalty in Oz if you don't vote?  (Get bundled onto a UK-bound boat?)    :-) 

  • ANNETTE – I have checked. If you don’t provide “provide a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote”, there is a “$20 administrative penalty”. Cor blimey, I reckon that’s easier than me getting myself to polling station (local school) or chasing around applying for a postal vote (‘cos of my age / infirmity / travel / etc)

  • AQ  Not enough.  (Though so many people are clueless perhaps it's just as well they don't vote).

  • AQ - you aren't unkind x It's what anyone would wish for someone we love....