Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

The red Northern Cardinals on my patch have chicks! I'm listening to them chirping, demanding food as I type.

My thoughts are with AQ, LINDY, and OG/Eagle-Eye tonight.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • AQ - sending hugs. It must be such a difficult time with so many different emotions. Do look after yourself. 
    Annette - I understand why you might want to Canada. It’s our polling day tomorrow as you know. 
    I had a pleasant morning out with a couple of friends. I needed to go back to the little tern colony to find if there was a relatively easy way to get out of the sand dunes down onto the beach. Some of my Flora and Fauna members have knee problems or walk with sticks and we are going there next week. We found a way which I think most people will manage. Many of the little terns now have chicks which were scurrying around all over the beach. So lovely to see. The skylarks were singing in the dunes too. A joyous sound.

  • Thank you ALL for your thoughts, prayers, hugs. Much appreciated.  Last night I phoned a Friend & we agreed to meet for lunch when I know what is what. I shall phone another Friend tonight. I must not lose them through neglect. It appears that OH needs high care and will stay in hospital until nursing home available. I have plenty to eat; lots of meals in freezer albeit in double serves.

    KATE – 51 years ago I did not read the “small print” that goes with “for better, for worse”!!!

    PS After typing in Word this morn, I forgot to post this. Later I cut short my visit to OH when he kept asking to go home. “Let’s get out of here.” I told the nurses and fled.

  • AQ: I am so very sorry. I wish I could say or do something that would give you comfort. Please know that I'm sending strength and wishing you peace from this side of the pond.

  • AQ  Thoughts are with you.  Friends are such valuable things.

  • I join in with everyone else to say how sorry I am AQ. It is good to keep up your friendships. I am sure good friends understand a bit of neglect though.

    It seems obvious that your OH now needs more care than it is possible for you to give alone.  Wishing you well. 

  • Just been reading back ...... I'm so sorry for you both.  It sounds like your OH has the disease Limpy dreads most.  We're keeping everything crossed everything is sorted out for you both, care-wise.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I've purposely avoided talking about politics here ....... but I'll say that if the Tories have a single MP after today I'll be disappointed they've been that successful.  The worst government in living memory, and then some.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - So sorry to hear about your OH.  Difficult times for you, and lots of decisions to be made, I imagine.  Thoughts, prayers and hugs winging their way down under to you.

    Now safely back from the Conference in Leeds.  Annette - we covered most of the Agenda items, but it was hard going.  Nothing too contentious, and I did manage to add my 'words of wisdom' (not!!) to one of the debates, so I feel I justified my place.  Although I was not as prepared as I would have liked to be - I thought that particular topic was coming up on Tuesday but they brought it forward to Monday!  However, people said I had definitely spoken from the heart, and I saw several nods, so I must have said something right ...!

    I see the chick at Manton Bay has now fledged - I was just a couple of days early with my visit.  Didn't have time to visit again today, even though I was very close by.  I had to settle for a beautiful red kite which flew over the garden where I was staying and gave me a lovely display.

  • AQ:  In a way, you must feel relieved, but also hard to know your OH is still well enough to want out.  Sigh.  Do hope he can settle and that you find something close by so you and appendages can visit often.  

    Clare:  Lots of coverage of the UK election last night with on-the-street interviews with voters.  Bottom line I got was that nobody is particularly hopeful regardless of which party is in power, though Labor will be good for the NHS - a major concern and undertandably from what you guys all report.   Meanwhile, we have our own crisis - crises I should say (they keep coming!).  Sigh (lots of sighing going on in our house these days).  

    PatO:  Congrats on surviving the conference and for giving your two cents.  Sound like you hit the mark with your remarks.

    Meanwhile, today is Independence Day here.  If the UK were in better shape I'd suggested revoking it in favor of King Charles.  :-))   Granddaughter and daughter want to go to the fireworks in Santa Ynez (something they did years and years ago), but we have a weather alert for high temps (which means even higher over the hill) and one of the two roads up there is closed due to cracks while the other has just one lane open at one point due to roadwork.  Frankly, I'd rather stay home but feel like a party pooper.  OH will have nothing to do with it; will stay home and enjoy total control of the remote.   

  • AQ: I am so sorry to hear about your OH. It is, by far, the hardest thing to do when you can no longer care for a loved one in the home, but physically and emotionally it is the only decision you can make. My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family.