Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The full moon, the "Strawberry Moon", was beautiful here last night. Very large and a lovely orange color. I don't have much else to report. The scorching heat and high humidity have kept me indoors all week, except for an uncomfortable trip to the grocery store. 

Love and hugs to all. I'm so sorry for all of you facing tough challenges.

  • Update re J: he saw Jayne today and she found two problems - painful area has a cracked tooth and  tooth above it had long corner pushing into the crack and causing the pain and inflammation in the gum, so she filed that off.  He has appt with the other dentist in two weeks to assess how this might progress or not.

    I woke with bad pain in one leg today.  And I keep sneezing which strains the leg - seriously painful.  Hoping it may fade overnight.

  • Oh, poor you, OG - that does indeed sound painful. Hope it goes away after a night's sleep.

    Rusty, now I've turned the page I've forgotten what I was going to say! You certainly do well with your French , you must be very proficient now.

    Heather, good that you're coping better now. No, please don't do any reaching  down to the floor!! Keep yourself safe!

    AQ - What weather! A shame your coffee outing is now off.

    My OH has pressed on with the fence today. He feels well in himself but still has signs of what worried us in the 1st place, just less scary at the moment. We await the pronouncements of the Consultant he is meeting on Friday. He received two letters today: one was a copy of the last 'expert' writing to this new one with explanations of what he knew so far.

    The other letter was a card for Father's Dsy from our Youngest! -- it was a week ago last Sunday! The post here is crazy now.

  • Yesterday we sat in the garden and I said "What is that loud bird?" My OH said  "Look up!"  I could see where he was pointing, at next doors roof, and there were a pair of oystercatchers!! They did look strange. We are approximately 40 miles from the sea, as the crow flies, so I suppose its not too far for them to wander over. No sign of them today so maybe they've gone now in search of food.

  • Fine day so far (it’s only 9.15 am) but I wouldn’t be going out for coffee anyway. OH has been peculiar this morn and I don’t like to leave him. At breakfast he wanted me to eat his toast (I have cereal) and then he tried to share his pills with me!  I have sat him in sunshine on back verandah in his new chair. Yesterday I bought a camping chair with hard arms that I can fold to bring inside or place on front or back verandah. I hope he wakes sensible.

  • OG:  Good that J's tooth problem seems easy to solve; hope your leg pain is better  tomorrow.

    Lindybird:  Fingers crossed your OH's issues will prove to be something easily sorted. It's good that he' busy.

    AQ:  Is your OH on any  meds that could be causing these symptoms?   Or do we have a diganosis of something else?   Do take care.

    Hallo to everyone else.  I'm sort of getting back into a routine....

  • ANNETTE - OH's Parkinsons is the cause, his deteriorating brain. He will only get worse. He has snoozed most of the day and I hope tomorrow dawns a new day or at least different.

  • We see lots of oystercatchers here of course, love the sight and sound of them,  Hope all goes well on Friday.

  • AQ; Oh right, so sorry I forgot that was the problem.  Sigh. 

  • Good afternoon from a scorching Suffolk. Apologies for lack of likes and replies as I have been away in North and South Ireland. We stayed in Bellaghy in the North for 2 nights - went to the Titanic Experience and it was very good but so moving, my friend and I both got weepy reading some of the testimonies. Had a brief wander around Belfast City, then back to Bellaghy to the Seamus Heaney Homeplace which was excellent and yet again very moving. In the evening they had the Poet Michael Longley and his wife, both in their 80s but very on the ball, for a showing of a film about his life and poems, followed by a Q & A. It was very good.

    Next moring we took the hire car back to Belfast airport and got the train to Bray - a glorious ride all along the coast - Lots of people swimming and enjoying the sun. We were met by an old friend who used to work with us in the UK 20 odd years ago and met his wife and youngest daughter - they have 4 girls.

    Got home a few hours ago and am very tired so I expect to fall asleep in the chair watching the England game tonight.

    My thoughts and best wishes to all that are suffering and have family that need care and attention - its not easy I know.

    Have a good week all and roll on 5th July!!

  • Harelady:  Sounds like a lovely trip.  :-)   My BiL was despairing of the England team when I spoke to him Sunday; seems like they made it through though...