Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The full moon, the "Strawberry Moon", was beautiful here last night. Very large and a lovely orange color. I don't have much else to report. The scorching heat and high humidity have kept me indoors all week, except for an uncomfortable trip to the grocery store. 

Love and hugs to all. I'm so sorry for all of you facing tough challenges.

  • Diane: Thank you.  Moon was lovely here too.  I'm sure you have challenges too; do hope the weather moderates soon.  tt's seems very early in the summer for such intense weather.

  • Sorry to hear the 'unseasonally' hot weather is continuing Diane -  may it moderate to a more seasonal temperature soon. I hate being under 'house arrest' for any reason so my heart goes out to you. Thank you for the info on the Strawberry Moon - the first I've heard about such a moon, although I did remark to myself about the colour.

  • DIANE  I hope things cool down for you.  Thanks for starting the week..

  • Thank you Diane for starting the week. Sorry that you are having such uncomfortable weather. I did not see theStrawberry moon.

  • Thank you, Diane:  hope you can keep cool somewhere, pity you don't seem to have a basement! I've been watching the orange moon too - it seems very unreal. No wonder there used to be all sorts of tales about its unusual properties.

    Rusty:  Great news!  You must indeed be relieved. Now you can relax over your health.

    OG:  Good that J is seeing progress about his problem. Can he manage soup?

    It's been beautiful here, with odd spots of cloud to break up the sunshine occasionally.  I put in more annual bedding plants and my OH has had a break from the fencing job, by reading one of his favourite books, sitting on the lawn.  Glad everyone enjoyed my flower pics. Lots of things are finished now, such as the gorgeous peonies.  One of the newer peonies did have a big bud on it, but it rotted in all the rain last week so now I have to wait to next year to see what the flowers will look like as its never had a bud before. They can take years to "bed in" and its been in for four!


    Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.

    from:  The Body Keeps The Score:  Mind, Brain & Body in the Transformation of Trauma   by Bessel van deer Kolk.

  • Diane - that you for the new week. So sorry to hear about your difficult weather conditions. That heat and humidity must be awful. I hope you can manage to keep as cool as possible. I will look out for the strawberry moon.

    Lindy - a shame about your new peony. As you say, there is always next year. I am pleased that my sweet peas look as if they will be more successful than last year. I have already cut 3 small bunches one of which I took to my friend in the assisted living. Due to my holiday I hadn’t seen her for ages. Life is a struggle for her because of her lack of mobility but she is determined to keep looking after herself as much as possible. 
    I was invited to lunch with some friends today. Again, it was great to have a catch up. Their garden is looking nice. 
    Yesterday I was invited to a family barbecue. It was great to be outside and to watch the youngsters playing.

    Back to my usual activities tomorrow. I have written in French about my holiday and journey home ready to tell the group in the afternoon. I think the subject is going to be the Moulin Rouge because we had articles to about the sails falling off recently plus a rather risqué performer from the past. I wonder what direction the lesson will go in!!!???? 

  • Bumping up. 

    It's cold here. Overnight min has been down to 3 c, max 14 C. Even colder tomorrow with showers, hail, thunder. . . goodbye to coffee morning with Friend in foothills.

  • PAT O and ROSY  Must check with my friend where she will be going for the op,  all I know is London.  She is indeed a quite remarkable friend and nothing gets her down. After the op she will have to go to Birmingham for at least a month for rehab and to learn how to use her new leg.

  • Thank you DIANE. I'm sorry that you have been housebound because of the hot weather.

    ANNETTE - I guess that you are very tired and catching up with chores - I hope that the house will sell quickly.

    OG - Thank you for the update on J. 

    LINDY - It does seem as if your OH is feeling a little better ? I have no pots, tubs or hanging baskets this year - the first time ever !

    ROSY - It's good to read that your OH is making progress ! Well done to both of you

    DIBNLIB- Your friend Erica sounds amazing - what courage and stamina she has shown.

    AQ - it is good to hear from you but I'm sorry that your outing is cancelled :-(  Your daughter is very lucky to have you as her Mum. 

    RUSTY - I chuckled as I read about the Moulin Rouge ...

    I'm doing more and more each week. My grabber sticks are worth their weight in gold - I don't know what I would do without them as advised not to bend  down to pick up things that keep falling on the floor ! Otherwise, I might join them on the floor....I certainly don't need any more broken bones....

  • Lovely to hear from you HEATHER, you too are proving positive.