The solstice is Thursday in the UK and the US.
I don't have any wildlife/nature stories to impart today. We've been warned to expect extreme, perhaps record-breaking, heat starting Monday and to last indefinitely. So I've been preparing. I ordered a new fan today to arrive Monday. Temps are predicted to hover around 100 degrees F (38 C). That might not sound bad, but Indiana is very humid in summer.
Hugs and love to everyone. Sending strength to those facing adversity.
RUSTY Great news for you. We met up with a friend and her OH yesterday. Erica has already seen a surgeon in Glasgow who told her she is fit enough to have a robotic leg fitted. On Thursday she and her OH fly down to London to meet the surgeon who will fit her new leg and get the go ahead from him. Fingers and toes crossed. Murray has a challenge of his own as today he is taking part in the Highland Cross, luckily the weather isn't too hot so he should be ok though he wasn't exactly looking forward to it. If anyone is interested please look up the Highland Cross which does so much for local charities.
Good news for J at last.
dibnlib - So pleased to hear Erica is doing well. I assume she will be going to Stanmore for her robotic leg? My sister was a frequent visitor to Stanmore over sixty-odd years for the latest thing in calipers. She always spoke very highly of them.
Dibnlib, What a remarkable recovery your friend has made. Good to know people like her.
Also good news from Rusty and OG.
I have been plodding on with my much neglected roof terrace. I have prepared the container for the tomatoes, which are just about ready to plant out.
I could not get to the Garden Centre and the choice of plants was limited by the time I could make an order for delivery. Geraniums were in short supply and I could only get red ones.They are a nice deep shade though, and OH likes them.
The sweet peas were past the ideal planting out stage, but they are recovering now. The cosmos which I had planted earlier from seed is doing well.
OH"s mobility is improving slowly. He still needs a lot of help, but we are getting there.