LLYN BRENIG - JUNE 2024 - 01 JULY 2024


LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  I believe these are eggs 2 and 3. 

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project


The new couple’s relationship has continued to grow. They have worked hard together to maintain and strengthen their nest, bringing in new materials daily. Both birds have been catching fish and sharing these with each other. They have also shared incubation and developed strategies to get each other off the eggs when needed! They have also defended their nest from intruders, the most traumatic being when Blue 432, Eshells, a 3 year old returner from Kielder visited on the 9th of May.. Blue 372 fought hard to keep her place on the nest as she was continually chased and dive bombed in Blue 432’s bid to oust her. The eggs were left unattended for around 3 1/2 hours. Luckily it was a warm evening so hopefully no damage done. The most exciting visit came from dear KA9 (22), Gelert, son of LJ2 and LM6 when he arrived on the morning of the 25th of May. It was a short visit as he was soon ushered away by LJ2.

  • Aw thanks for doing the video Scylla, it was so traumatic but amazing to watch the little one manage to find it’s way back to the nest cup.Two hearts

  • WendyBartter said:

    Such a relief to see that the chick managed to tumble & crawl it's way back to safety ... many thanks for footage Glider Blush

    You’re welcome Wendy. I was soooo relieved to see the little one do its acrobatics across the nest back to mum! Hugging

    Scylla’s video in slo-mo shows the height little bob dropped from and bounced down to the nest. Grimacing

  • LJ2 was on the nest a few times before he brought in a fish for 372 and little bob. It was fresh from the lake.



    13.32 372 started eating it away from little bob

    13.37 little bob the was offered many pieces

    372 guzzling the fish down

    13.38 I don’t know how many pieces little bob managed to swallow as it closed its beak a lot when 372 offered fish.



    13.48 Feed finished, nest tidied and 372 settling back on bob and the eggs.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 14.09 LJ2 took away the leftover fish

    14.33 He returned with it a short while later.

    14.34 372 started eating the fish on the edge of the nest.

    She offered little bob several pieces, but was too far away.

    14.35 Thankfully, 372 then brought the fish nearer to little bob.

    14.36 Bob was offered many pieces, again I can’t be sure how many were swallowed.




    14.43 372 walked away from the fish and started eating scraps on the nest.

    14.46 settling down again.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 15.11  LJ2 again took the fish away.

    15.40 And returned half an hour later.

    He waited beside 372 for a few minutes and she made no attempt to get the fish. However, she got up and decided to go for a comfort break. 15.44

    LJ2 started eating the fish in front of little bob, who was begging.

    15.45 It looked like he was pausing to offer some to little bob but didn’t lean in so was unsuccessful.

    15.47 372 had returned and went to collect the fish but LJ2 backed off. (He used to do this with LM6 as well!)

    She tried again and again, forcefully grabbing it this time

    She then commenced to feed little bob who definitely ate some pieces.




    15.52 372 took the fish to the back of the nest and started speed eating.

    15.53 Little bob rested beside egg #3 as mum came in to brood.


    That was a good wee feed for little bob.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 17.00 372 was calling for fish. little bob was joining in. Two hearts

    She took off for a comfort break.


    17.03 372 repositioned a few pieces of nesting materials around the cup before laying down.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • LJ2 supplied the goods at 17.49. Another freshly caught one, looks like a wee pike.

    17.50 372 took the fish

    She started eating

    17.51 then a piece for little bob




    17.56 372 ate some more again herself

    more for little bob

    another bite? Not this time.

    Bob slumped over egg #3

    18.00 372 was soon settled down again. Another good feed.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 18.54  LJ2 brought in a short thick stick.

    18.55 He placed it on the other side of the nest.

    18.56 372 got up and retrieved the fish from earlier.

    18.57 She started eating it. LJ2 flew off.

    372 then offered a piece to little bob.  The wee one took a few pieces and turned down some.

    372 started eating herself again

    She wasn’t forgetting about little bob though. 

    19.02 372 finishes the fish end off and swallows the tail

    372 is showing a lot of patience in feeding her chick. She’ll offer a piece of fish to the beak and hold it there, gently trying to encourage the chick to take it. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • That was the last feed today. All tucked up in bed now.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • June 4

    Good morning. It’s a wet one today. 
    05.23 LJ2 arrived with a fish

    372 took it

    05.25 She ate a little then offered some to little bob


    372 then moved right in front of the camera and feeding was totally blocked. 
    05.31 she let go of the fish and walked to the side to leave for a comfort break.

    She returned half a minute later.

    05.33 And covered little bob and the eggs from the rain.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP