Continued from March/April 2024

LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

April saw Blue LJ2 (18) pair with a new female, Blue 372 (21), with his first mate, Blue LM6 (18) sadly not returning this year. They raised 2 chicks in 2022 and 2023 and had formed a good partnership.

As a 3 year old, this is Blue 372’s first year of breeding. She was translocated to Poole Harbour in 2021 from a Scottish nest. She returned in 2023 and teamed up with Blue 416. They actually intruded at Llyn Brenig then and found themselves a nest elsewhere on private land in Wales. However, this year, Blue 372 chose the Llyn Brenig nest and LJ2 as her mate. Blue 416 did intrude here and try to take Blue 372 back. She stuck to her choice though and Blue LJ2 courted her and they became a couple. A lot of new experiences for Blue 372 this year but she is handling everything well and still doing her own thing ie catching fish if need be!

  • 06.57 372 looking relaxed

    07.09 LJ2 flies in to take over.

    08.02 LJ2 on the tower perch


    09.53 There were 2 more nest changes and LJ2 was sitting when something caught his attention and he started calling loudly.

    He got up as 372 was arriving.

    LJ2 flew upwards

    372 looked around then came down to the nest cup

    09.58 After a minute or 2 she settled on the eggs and was soon preening.

    There were some corvids moving around close by, perhaps that’s what disturbed LJ2.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 10.21 LJ2 arrived to swap over.

    11.08 He looks relaxed on the nest

    11.14 changeover to 372

    11.47 LJ2 incoming with a stick of bark

    11.50 He potters about for a bit

    11.51 372 sits firm

    11.52 LJ2 leaves.

    11.54 TWO minutes later, he’s back with more bark. The trees must be pretty bare in this area! 

    11.55 Again, LJ2 pottered around the nest.


    11.57 Gulls were calling

    LJ2 lifted his wings and glided over 372 to the other side of the nest.


    12.01 LJ2 leaves again. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 12.11 LJ2 on the tower perch.

    He has a good preen.

    Then returns to the nest. 372 was ready to leave the eggs this time.

    12.47 She was fish calling when she saw him coming.

    but LJ2 had nothing, he was even barkless this time!

    12.48 372 flew off

    12.49 a happy LJ2

    13.33 It was now 372’s turn to bring the bark in.

    LJ2 left as 372 was doing her tidying.



    13.36 settled down now.

    13.55 LJ2 flies in with a stick!

    13.56 He places his stick

    13.57 372 flew to the nearby tree.

    14.04 372 left the tree.

    Around 14.25 372 came to the tower perch.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • .

    The cam has been down, back up and down again, where it currently remains.

  • Thanks Scylla, I’m just back from being out. The cam is still down.Slight frown

    Funny, I was just thinking to myself recently how good the 2 cams here are compared to the original nest cam when I started watching in 2022! I’ve jinxed it! See no evil

  • Some snaps from earlier until the cam went down.

    14.50 372 wants back on the eggs.

    15.00 372 preening

    15.14 LJ2 returns with some bark

    16.30 The weather has drastically changed. LJ2 still on the nest.

    17.02 LJ2 sees something above

    17.02 He starts squawking loudly

    17.03 A gull flies close to the nest

    I hope that’s all that’s bothering him.
    Cam went down a few seconds after this. PTZ Cam too. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Brenig FB posted this a few hours ago

  • We’re back on 21.20 
    Empty nest


  • 21.20 Scroll-back let me go back a few seconds further to see 372 leaving the nest.

    LJ2 flew on 21 seconds later.

    As he walked to the eggs, 372 flew in to the nest perch.

    21.21 She then raised her wings and left to go to the tower perch.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 21.41 She had a 20 minute preen.

    Then left the tower perch

    to return to the nest.

    21.42 She was soon settled down.


    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP