Continued from March/April 2024

LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

April saw Blue LJ2 (18) pair with a new female, Blue 372 (21), with his first mate, Blue LM6 (18) sadly not returning this year. They raised 2 chicks in 2022 and 2023 and had formed a good partnership.

As a 3 year old, this is Blue 372’s first year of breeding. She was translocated to Poole Harbour in 2021 from a Scottish nest. She returned in 2023 and teamed up with Blue 416. They actually intruded at Llyn Brenig then and found themselves a nest elsewhere on private land in Wales. However, this year, Blue 372 chose the Llyn Brenig nest and LJ2 as her mate. Blue 416 did intrude here and try to take Blue 372 back. She stuck to her choice though and Blue LJ2 courted her and they became a couple. A lot of new experiences for Blue 372 this year but she is handling everything well and still doing her own thing ie catching fish if need be!

  • 16.29 LJ2 starts calling to 372. She leaves the tree she was sitting on behind LJ2

    372 arrives at the nest

    and LJ2 flies off.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 17.09 It must still be quite warm. 372 has her beak slightly open.

    17.24 LJ2 comes to relieve her.

    17.39 372 is back 15 minutes later.

    17.40 LJ2 has plenty to say before he leaves the nest.

    17.42 As 372 is making adjustments before beginning incubation, LJ2 is seen flying over the water towards the nest.

    He flies straight onto 372’s back to mate sounding a single chirp.

    He touches down only briefly, for a split second then off again to the side of the nest.

    It’s like he remembered they have 3 eggs and aren’t making anymore! 

    LJ2 then leaves, flying out over the water.

    19.28 372 is currently still on the eggs.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 14.02 The PTZ cam got a lovely close up of 372 enjoying the fish she caught earlier.



    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 21.32 372 looking relaxed as her long night is underway.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • .

    How nice to see the PTZ getting pee'd and zee'd for a change Blush

  • Yes isn’t it Scylla. Blush They do sometimes scan around the area but usually if they find an osprey, it’s on a faraway post and the zoom can be blurred or shaky. These closeups were superb, the tree must’ve been close to the camera. 

  • May 3

    Good morning. It’s been a bit of a damp night. 372 was up a few times for a wee stretch/wing flap.

    05.09 LJ2 came to relieve her.

    05.28 LJ2 sitting. Visibility isn’t great with the cam misted over.

    06.15 372 returns, bringing a small stick.

    07.39 It’s getting drier. 372 rests her eyes.

    07.46 LJ2 brings a wavy stick and swaps with 372

    08.02 LJ2 currently brooding the eggs

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • .

    Glider said:
    It’s been a bit of a damp night. 372 was up a few times for a wee

    Irresistible - sorry to be puerile Grin

  • There have been a few more changes of incubation. Both birds have brought bark to the nest. LJ2 won the prize for the largest piece! Smile


    Around 14.30ish (clock can’t be read) LJ2 lands on the tower perch with a half eaten fish.

    He waits with it for a short while before taking it to 372.

    14.46 He arrives on the nest.

    372 leaves with it.

    16.12 LJ2 looked like he was tracking something. He got up and flew off.

    It must’ve been 372 returning after eating her fish. She landed on the nest, empty taloned, half a minute later.

    17.12 LJ2 returned a hour later with another piece of bark and they swapped places again.

    17.47 Not to be outdone this time, 372 flew in with a very large clump of grasses.

    18.20 372 does a double take - What’s he got this time? 

    and LJ2 surfs in with another long piece of bark.

    18.23 another swap over.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP