Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 April 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

I received my eclipse glasses yesterday, and I'm all set for the big day on Monday. I will have 100% totality. However, this is our rainy season, so I'm hoping we will catch a break and have clear skies for the eclipse.

Many websites will be streaming the eclipse if anyone wants to watch it.

I'm approaching this event with a reverential attitude. I'm hoping to use it as a reset and turn my life in a more positive direction.

Love and hugs to all!

  • Good you are up and about again OG but sorry to hear J is not doing so well.

  • RUSTY  Good luck with the presentation, I would need more than 1 demo  as hopeless with technology.

  • RUSTY – J seems to be back to his “normal“ self today, so we still don’t know what caused yesterday’s glitch – maybe just the eye tests at the optician affected his brain.  I hope the technology will behave for your presentation today – at least you only have that to worry about since you know your topic so well.

    Still very warm here and a pleasant sunny day.  Unfortunately, E-E has to be busy indoors preparing for cleaners.  When they come on a Thursday, it is earlier than their usual Monday, so we have to have early lunch, then after they have gone, it will be my shower time, so he can’t get busy outside today.

    People missing so far today – I hope all are well.

  • As promised few pics of new kitchen, my pics don't do it justice

  • Will look in later but busy trying to get kitchen in order.   Hope all is well with everyone

  • It does look very nice Lynette. Good luck with rearranging everything. I am sure it will be worth the effort.

  • Very smart kitchen, Lynette. Hope you can soon get "straight" when everything  has to go back!

    Rusty, good luck with your presentation. 

    OG - Sorry to hear that J has so much to think about  at the moment.

    Diane-- I was so very pleased to hear about your magical encounter with the moon!! Very spiritual. I liked one of the comments on TV from a woman who was watching at the time - she said it made her feel that we are all very small beings. As indeed, we are.

    My OH came home tired after a long day visiting Bath for the funeral- he didn't have to drive in the end as his cousin insisted. His sister Sue said she was glad she had gone,  as we don't have much contact with that side of the family these days. And their attendance had been appreciated. (3 & a half hours driving  each way)  She mentioned seeing dire amounts of water flooding the fields in the Midlands (which is what we call the centre of England). It seems to have stopped raining today thank goodness.

  • Love the kitchen Lynette. Very smart and “on trend” I believe. Enjoy rearranging all your things. 
    Lindy - I thought your OH would be tired even though he didn’t have to drive. It’s a long way and that M6 - M5 route is no fun. It sounds as if they were glad they went. 
    Well, my day got off to an “interesting” start! My car wouldn’t start. Flat battery I assume. The car is 15 years old and the battery is quite new so there must be a problem. Anyway, I phoned the AA and, because I was safe at home, I, understandably, wasn’t a priority. 2 hours later they rang to say they were delayed even more. I said I was committed to doing my talk and needed to therefore catch the bus. They are coming in the morning now. I got on the bus carrying 2 laptops, one bag containing my script etc and my handbag!!! Apart from a slight glitch with the set up, the talk seemed to be very well received. I enjoyed doing it. I feel rather tired now though. Drained more like it what with the double stress of car and talk. Fortunately I was offered a lift home!!! 

  • Morning all:  

    Heather:  I was also wondering what's going on with your physiotherapy routine?  Do you have exercise for the shoulder?  And what about the femur - anything for that?  So sorry you're still achy.....

    OG:  Do hope your chair gets fixed next time round.  Did you freeze all those blueberries or do they stay fresh for longer (than ours).   Uncertainty is difficult for many people when it lasts for an extended period; can imagine J must feel it all the more but glad he's apparently doing a bit better

    Lynette:  I like those flat-fronted (probably not the desired designer terminology!) cabinets.  No ledges for dust to collect (my top requirement for anything new in the house - not that we have anything new). Did you replace everything or just the doors?   I told my granddaughter when she was packing up the Arizona kitchen to make sure she put the corkscrew and pizza cutter handy for unpacking in her new place.  :-)

    Lindybird:  Are you over your vacation ailment completely?  Sounds like you and OH have been really busy.  Soon you'll be off to the caravan for the spring.... 

    Rusty:  Was it you who had car problems a few weeks back?  Glad you managed to fight your way to the talk and that it went well. 

    We seem to have a semblance of normacly around here, although granddaughter is going back to AZ next week to oversee the work on that house.  Ms D will switch off nights here and at my daughter's home for that week and I'll take her to school, which is close by. Then they'll both be making a quick trip to AZ for a friend's wedding and a checkup with Ms. D's orthodontist before they find a new one here.  Meanwhile, granddaughter has made some good contacts with various law enforcement agencies - her very favorite being the State Parks Police which, unfortunately, requires six-months of training near Sacramento, so not an immediate option but maybe when Ms. D is older - and a more immediate prospect with the Santa Barbara Airport Police, which is apparently on the verge of expanding its authority.  Fingers crossed; we'll see.

    As for me, I'm finally getting back into my walking/gym routine, but gosh, it doesn't take long to lose muscle tone!

    Am looking forward to keeping up with folks on here on a regular basis too, especially now that we have page numbers!! Yay!

    Haven't noticed AQ for a day or so; hope she's doing okay.

    Take care all.